Design + Make a Murphy Bar

What is the planned budget?

Cost of materials

cost of similar products

client / user needs

what do we need to store?

where will it be located?

does it need to be mobile?

existing products

showcase different products and see which client likes the most

what does the client like most about these products

appearance and aesthetics

what wood types the client likes the most

different finishes the client likes the most

different accent materials

size foorprint

how much space am I able to work with?

availability of space

wall/ floor space?


what do you aim for the product to do?

storage/ organiser

social aspect? (used to help client host parties)


does the client have any young children?

have safety bumpers on to prevent injury



lighting for product?


is the client willing to spend the same price as the product is listed to?

different measurements of the client

Shoulder Breadth

Hip Breadth, Sitting

Arm Reach Forward

Sitting Height

Sitting Eye Height



location of product

inside / outside

different finishes