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the raigh of james the II CE revishon - Coggle Diagram
the raigh of james the II CE revishon
1 who was james II
james was the second son of charls ( exicuted)
became king because his brother charls II died without and hair
capturd in the cival war but escaped to france
whil in exiel he became a soldur in the french and spanish armys
then his brother became king he retirnd to england and led the english navy he was very successful in the wole and expanded english colinys.
how did he become king
brother kied no ligitomed sons (13 ilegitomed)
thrown passed to james in 1685 (he wal 52)
firs wife was protestent two adilt children wife died.
sencond wife was catholic became catholic too.
the bloody asises
james warn potenchal trators
folowing sedgmoor sent soldegers to teach people a leson
menny people were exicuted and inprisond ( even children)
one woman was hung for hellping woonded solgers
extremaly hars poneshment sent a cleer mesage to those that oppose him.
opposition to his rule
worried about catolic king, make changes to the contry
much anti catholic feelings from the refomation and the gunpowder plot
james got rid of anti catholic laws
people were worried he would nexd
without the help of parlement an absulot king (dictator)
infloenced by foren catholic contrys mainly spain
force people to become catholic
why did james become king?
no one wanted to retirn to the caos and sufering if a cival war
in febuary 1685 he was cround king decpit menny people not wnting him.
in reality he did not want to rule without parlement or force people to becom catholic.
he dthougthoght if he got rid of the anti catholic rouls people would want to be catholic.
underestimated the strength aof the anti catholic feeling in englind.
the Duke Momaths rebelion
james scot duck of momarth basted son to charls II atemted to calame the throun.
protastant, a provan miletery commander some people wanted him as king
arived in devon verry small force some people jond him thou mostly farmors verry fue nobals.
james II sent army to meet monmoth. they were better traind and led by talented jhon chirchil. ( best comander in the wourld)
battle of sedgmoor momarth awas esaly difeted capturd and exicuted
last battle on britos soil (not in the air)
the religous changes introduced by james II
abolished laws banning catholic from cearten jobe eg magestrats
allowed catholics vecomw army officers previosly band
in 1686 band the preeching if anti catholic sermons
in france the king was percicuting protastents england were woryd he would do the same.
a catholic heir
protastants happy knolige that when the king diyed the throun will go to his protestant daghters
marry was marreyd to verry protastant william of orange prince of the duch republick
howrther in 1688 james wife may of modena gave birth to a catholic son
the son was now the hire to the thrown there would be more catholic kings.
menny people are now woryd that the contry would reman catholic forever.
the glorious revilotion
protestant mary and william were invited to invad by MPs
they exeptid the envitation and saild to brixham in devon 5th november 1688
james wanted so menny of his nobals joned williom. inclooded john chirchil hsi best militery comantder
james relised he could not fight and ran to france.
the croen was then oferd to william and mary as jont monarchs
they were crownd in april 1689
why glourious revilotion
civel war without blood shed
parlimend got rid of the king that they didnot trust and replaced them with one that they did
huge change in the contry there for a revilotion