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SPECIAL SENSE, Light source -> light enters the eye through the Cornea …
Palpebra: protects the eye against light, foreign bodies and dryness
Palpebra superior et inferior ( Fissura palpebra, Canthus )
Conjungtiva ( Tarsalis, Bulbi, Fornix )
Bulbus oculi ( Tunica Fibrosa, Vasculosa, Nervosa )
Apparatus lacrimalis ( Glandula lacrimalis, Duct lacrimalis, Duct nasolacrimalis )
Nasus externus ( Os nasale, Radix, Dorsum nasi, Alae nasi )
Cavum nasi ( Vestibulum nasi, Septum nasi, Concha )
Sinus paranasales
Frontalis, Maxillaris, Ethmoidalis, Sphenoidalis
Auris Externa ( Auricula, Meatus acusticus externus )
Auris Media ( Membran tympani, Incus, Stapes, Tuba auditiva
Auris Interna ( Labyrinthus osseus, Labyrinthus membranaceus )
Vestibulum nasal eksternal ( lapisan tanduk, kelenjar sebasea, kelenjar keringat )
Meatus acusticus externus ( epitel berlapis gepeng, folikel, kel. sebasea, kel. seminurosa )
Membran timpani ( epitel berlapis gepeng tidak bertanduk, lapisan fibrosa intermediet, epitel selapis gepeng )
Auricula ( tuang rawan elastis, kelenjar sebasea, kelenjar keringat
The process of hearing begins with the capture of sound energy by the auricle in the form of waves which are transmitted through the air or bones to the cochlea. The hearing process goes through three stages, namely the transfer of physical energy in the form of sound stimulation to the hearing organ, the conversion or transduction stage, namely the conversion of physical energy stimulation to the receiving organ and the stage of conveying nerve impulses to the auditory cortex..
When you inhale the air to breathe, the surrounding odor also enters your nose. Inside the nasal cavity, the odor will dissolve in the mucus. After that, the odor stimulus will be received by the olfactory nerve endings and forwarded to the olfactory center and olfactory nerves. After that, it is the brain that processes the memory of the smell so that humans know and can smell the aroma.
Light source -> light enters the eye through the Cornea -> Aqueous humor -> light passes through the pupil so that the amount of light entering can be regulated, light undergoes refraction by the lens -> Vitreous humor -> forms a real, inverted, reduced image -> light on the retina will be captured by photoreceptors -> energy will be converted into electrical signals forwarded to the optic nerve and gathered in the optic chiasma -> thalamus -> cortex cerebri -> body response