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Final Exam - Spanish Studying - Coggle Diagram
Final Exam - Spanish Studying
Different tenses
AR Conjugations: -é, -aste, -ó, -amos, -aron
ER, IR Conjugations: -í, -iste, -ió, -imos, -ieron :
Irregular Verbs
Ir (to go): fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron
Hacer (to do/make): hice, hiciste, hizo, hicimos, hicieron
Tener (to have): tuve, tuviste, tuvo, tuvimos, tuvieron
Estar (to be): estuve, estuviste, estuvo, estuvimos, estuvisteis, estuvieron
Poder (to be able to): pude, pudiste, pudo, pudimos, pudieron
Querer (to want): quise, quisiste, quiso, quisimos, quisieron
Decir (to say/tell): dije, dijiste, dijo, dijimos, dijisteis, dijeron
Venir (to come): vine, viniste, vino, vinimos, vinieron
Ser (to be): fui, fuiste, fue, fuimos, fueron
Ver (to see): vi, vio, viste, vimos, vieron
Dar (to give): di, dio, diste, dimos, dieron
aduv to walk
Uses for preterite
Expressing specific past actions.
Ayer compré un libro. (Yesterday, I bought a book.)
Ellos bailaron toda la noche. (They danced all night.)
Narrating a series of sequential events.
Llegué a casa, me cambié de ropa y salí de nuevo. (I arrived home, changed my clothes, and went out again.)
El tren partió, cruzó el puente y finalmente llegó a su destino. (The train departed, crossed the bridge, and finally arrived at its destination.)
Describing completed events or actions within a specific time frame.
Estudié durante tres horas ayer. (I studied for three hours yesterday.)
Ella trabajó en esa empresa por cinco años. (She worked in that company for five years.)
Expressing sudden or punctual actions in the past.
El coche chocó contra el árbol. (The car crashed into the tree.)
Ana recibió una sorpresa inesperada. (Ana received an unexpected surprise.)
Talking about actions that were interrupted by another event.
Hablaba por teléfono cuando se fue la luz. (I was talking on the phone when the power went out.)
Estaba caminando cuando me tropecé y caí. (I was walking when I tripped and fell.)
Expressing past actions with a clear beginning or end.
El concierto empezó a las 8 de la noche. (The concert started at 8 p.m.)
Terminé de leer el libro en dos días. (I finished reading the book in two days.)
Stem Changing only for he/them
E to I: pedir (to ask for) - pedí, pediste, pidió, pedimos, pedisteis, pidieron
O to U: dormir (to sleep) - dormí, dormiste, durmió, dormimos, dormisteis, durmieron
J and Irregular group Conjugations: e, iste, o, imos, eron
ER and IR Conjugations:
comer (to eat)
yo comía
tú comías
él/ella/usted comía
nosotros/nosotras comíamos
ellos/ellas/ustedes comían
-AR Verbs: hablar (to speak)
yo hablaba
tú hablabas
él/ella/usted hablaba
nosotros/nosotras hablábamos
ellos/ellas/ustedes hablaban
Describing ongoing actions in the past:
The imperfect tense is used to talk about actions or situations that were ongoing or in progress in the past.
Example: Yo jugaba en el parque cuando empezó a llover. (I was playing in the park when it started to rain.)
Setting the scene or providing background information:
The imperfect tense is used to provide background details or set the scene in a narrative or story.
Example: Era un día soleado y los pájaros cantaban. (It was a sunny day, and the birds were singing.)
Expressing age in the past:
The imperfect tense is used to express someone's age in the past.
Example: Cuando era niño, me gustaba leer cuentos. (When I was a child, I liked to read stories.)
Describing physical or emotional states:
The imperfect tense is used to describe physical or emotional states that were ongoing in the past.
Example: Estaba cansado después de un largo día de trabajo. (I was tired after a long day of work.)
Expressing habitual actions in the past:
The imperfect tense is used to talk about actions that were habitual or occurred repeatedly in the past.
Example: Todos los veranos visitábamos a nuestros abuelos en el campo. (Every summer, we used to visit our grandparents in the countryside.)
Indirect speech or reported speech:
The imperfect tense is commonly used when reporting what someone said or in indirect speech.
Example: Él dijo que estaba cansado. (He said that he was tired.)
Irregulars Verbs
Yo iba
Tú ibas
Él/ella/usted iba
Ellos/ellas/ustedes iban
Tú eras
Él/ella/usted era
Ellos/ellas/ustedes eran
Yo era
Yo veía
Tú veías
Él/ella/usted veía
Ellos/ellas/ustedes veían
-é, -ás, -á, -emos, and -án
Just attach this to the end of the infinitive.
The future tense is used to talk about actions or events that
happen in the future.
Example: Mañana estudiaré para el examen. (Tomorrow, I will study for the exam.)
-ía, -ías, -ía, -íamos, and -ían
Just attach this to the end of the infinitive.
The conditional tense is used to express actions or events that
happen in the future under certain conditions or hypothetical situations.
Example: Comería si tuviera hambre. (I would eat if I were hungry.)
Present Perfect
(Have and has)
: in the present perfect tense in Spanish, the endings of "ido" and "ado" remain the same regardless of gender.
Hemos Han
Hablado Comido vivido estado
Yo he comido (I have eaten)
Ella ha comido (She has eaten)
Ellos han comido (They have eaten)
Ellas han comido (They have eaten)
Ya, and todavia
Past participle as adjective
(taken, eaten, made)
When used with estar or ser the
are: está, están, es, son
When used with ser or estar, the past participle acts as an adjective and agrees with the subject.
Example: Ella está cansada. (She is tired.)
Agreement in Gender and Number:
The past participle agrees in gender and number with the noun it modifies.
Example: libros cerrados (closed books), puerta cerrada (closed door)
Irregulars verbs
abrir - abierto
cubrir - cubierto
decir - dicho
escribir - escrito
hacer - hecho
romper - roto
morir - muerto
poner - puesto
resolver - resuelto
ver - visto
volver - vuelto
Luis hizo los postres. - Los postres están hechos.
Carmen preparó la carne. - La carne está preparada.
Nosotros abrimos las ventanas. -Las ventanas están abiertas
Cristina compró los regalos. - Los regalos están comprados
Yo organicé la música. - La música está organizada
La mesa está puesta - Mi hermana puso la mesa.
Conjugation for past participles
Replace -ar ending with ado.
Replace -er and -ir ending with
: The endings of the "o" with change depending on the gender of the noun being described, and add "s" to the end if the noun if plural.
Tú commands
Positive tú commands
To form affirmative tú commands for regular verbs:
For -ar verbs, remove the -ar ending of the infinitive and add -a.
For -er and -ir verbs, remove the -er/-ir ending of the infinitive and add -e.
Example: Hablar (to speak) → Habla (Speak), Comer (to eat) → Come (Eat)
Negative tú commands
Negative tú commands are formed by using the present subjunctive form of the verb:
For -ar verbs, replace the -ar ending with -es.
For -er and -ir verbs, replace the -er/-ir ending with -as.
Example: No hables (Don't speak), No comas (Don't eat)
For reflexives and non reflexives
Reflexive verbs in affirmative tú commands attach the reflexive pronoun to the end of the verb and add an accent mark, if necessary:
Example: Levántate (Get up), Lávate las manos (Wash your hands)
For positive in reflexives
The reflexive pronoun, and if theres DOP always go
conjugation verb.
Ponerse los zapatos - Póntelos
Habla a tu hermana - Háblala Lava la ropa - lávala
For negative in reflexives
The reflexive pronoun, and if theres DOP always go
conjugation verb.
Ponerse los zapatos - No te los pongas
Habla a tu hermana - No la hables
(Not reflexive so no te)
Lava la ropa - No la laves
(Not reflexive so no te)
Note: there is steam changing in some verbs.
venir - ven
decir - di
salir - sal
hacer - haz
tener - ten
ir - ve
poner - pon
ser - sé
venir - no vengas
decir - no digas
salir - no salgas
hacer - hagas
tener - tengas
ir - no vayas
poner - no pongas
ser - no seas
Saber - no sepas
Haber - Hayas
Estar - Estés
Note: In some verbs ending with
car, gar, zar
They have to be replaced with
ques, gues, ces
Also words ending in
in the negative form
have to be replaced by
g=> j
Past perfect
(All, had)
: in the present perfect tense in Spanish, the endings of "ido" and "ado" remain the same regardless of gender.
Yo Había
Tú Habías
Él Había
Nosotro Habíamos
Ellos Habían
Hablado Comido vivido estado
Ya habíamos terminado la tarea cuando llegaste. (We had already finished the homework when you arrived.)
Él había estudiado mucho antes del examen. (He had studied a lot before the exam.)
Habían viajado por varios países antes de establecerse en España. (They had traveled to several countries before settling in Spain.)
Habías llamado al doctor antes de que los síntomas empeoraran. (You had called the doctor before the symptoms worsened.)
Por vs para
"Por" is used to express duration of time:
Example: Estudié por dos horas. (I studied for two hours.)
"Por" is used to indicate the means or mode of transportation:
Example: Viajamos por avión. (We traveled by plane.)
"Por" is used to express a general location or movement through a place:
Example: Caminamos por el parque. (We walked through the park.)
"Por" is used to indicate an exchange or substitution:
Example: Te doy diez dólares por el libro. (I give you ten dollars for the book.)
"Por" is used to indicate the cause, reason, or motive behind an action:
Example: Lo hice por ti. (I did it for you.)
"Para" is used to express purpose or goal:
Example: Trabajo para una compañía grande. (I work for a big company.)
"Para" is used to indicate destination or intended recipient:
Example: Este regalo es para ti. (This gift is for you.)
"Para" is used to express deadlines or specific times:
Example: Necesito el informe para mañana. (I need the report for tomorrow.)
"Para" is used to indicate a comparison or opinion:
Example: Para mí, este es el mejor restaurante. (In my opinion, this is the best restaurant.)
"Para" is used to indicate employment or a recipient of an action:
Example: Estudio para aprender. (I study to learn.)
Cómo será el futuro
Leisure activities
La vida en la cuidad