Catholic Beliefs

Pope is head of the church

Mary ( Elizabeth's sister was church )

Services happen in Latin


Monarch is the head of church

Bible and services in English

People can have relationship with God. Priests not special

Churches should be plain

Priests can marry if they decide

Elizabeth needed to come to a compromise between the Catholic and Protestant religious divide


Elizabeth would be 'supreme governor of the Church' - 'governor' showing she is more tolerant to Catholics

Ecclesiastical high commision is established to maintain order within Church.

Pope did not have authourity, England became a Protestant country


Established the appearance of the church and services.

Everyone had to attend the church on a Sunday and on Holy Days. Otherwise they would be fined

Set out the rules for religious practice and revised the prayer book


Some Catholic traditions remained

a set of instructions issued that gave instructions on how to worship God

This included clergy teaching the royal supremacy, the church fining anyone who did not attend church. Each Parish had an English church. Clergy had to wear special catholic clothing.

Did not however keep everyone happy. Opposition did come from the Catholics and the Puritans


Church created Protestant but had a common prayer book

Catholic mass abandoned

Bible written in English. Clergy could marry

Catholic style vestements and communion tables


Anyone who left their country for more than 6 months had their land confiscated to prevent English Catholics from going abroad to train as missionaries

Catholics bring Papal Bull of excommunication into England = punished by death

Done to stop increasing Catholic Plots


Papal Bull of Excommunication

The Pope declared Catholics had to no longer obey the Queen and they were encourages to overthrow her

This and the Northern Rebellion made Catholics a potential threat to Elizabeth.

As a result the government became less tolerant of recusancy ( refusal to go to Church )

Pope encouraged Catholic priests to undertake missionary work.

Mary Queen of Scots

Cousin to Elizabeth and so had a dynastic claim to the throne

She was forced to abdicate as the Queen of Scotland and escaped to England, seeking refuge from Elizabeth (1568 )

Threat of Mary

Many English Catholics supported the ideas of May being Queen and successor

Elizabeth was illegitimate as she was the daughter of Henry VIII's second marriage

Mary would reverse religious settlement and restore Catholic Church

Catholic Plots against Elizabeth

Northern Rebellion (1569)

Many Northern Nobles were still committed Catholics

They wanted to restore catholicism

Elizabeth confiscated lands from Earl fo Northumberland and gave them to rivals and Protestants

Elizabeth increased her control of the NOrth and Cecil and her advisors said she should


In 1569 the Duke of Norfolk hatched a plan to Marry Queen of Scots and recognise her as Queen

The Earls plan had been discovered and they then tried to overthrow Elizabeth. Captured Durham, celebrated Catholic mass and then marched South

Had 6,000 rebels

Elizabeth crushed the army and killed 800 rebels


Most Catholics still supported Elizabeth

Created more Anti-Catholic feelings


Attempt to restore Catholicism involving the Queen of Scots, Pope, Phillip II and Duke of Norfolk

Elizabeth would be assasinated and replaced with Mary Queen of Scots

6,000 Spanish troops landed in Essex and 40,000 men though to have been able to assemble


Elizabeth's intelligence network discovered the conspiracy

Norfolk arrested and executed. Spanish ambassador expelled

Law: Anyone assasinating monarch could not succeed throne


Planned by the French Catholic Force and the Spanish Papal money

Queen of Scots would be freed from house arrest and involved in Catholic uprising with JESUITS.

Elizabeth would be captured and murdered, Mary being installed as Queen

Francis Throckmorton intermediary in the plan. He was arrested and tortured

Babington Plot (1586)

Mary was moved to TIlbury Castle. Her Jailer was a strict Protestant

The was done to push Mary into another plot. Mary began her correspondence with Sir Anthony Babbington

Plan to kill Elizabeth and make Mary free. Walsingham knew but let the plou unfold.

When Mary accepted assasination, Babington and other conspirators arrested


Mary was killed

Elizabeth seen as victim as she was forced to muder Mary as Cousin, specifically by William Davison


Puritans were strict Protestants who wanted to get rid of all Catholic faith.

Privy Councillors and MPs such as Earl of Leicester tried to Pressurise Elizabeth to take harsher steps on Catholics.

Walter Strickland - the leader of Puritan parliament group wanted a new prayer book. Elizabeth closed parliament to ignore him