Unit 3: Law and Justice

Powers of the police

Rights on arrest

you are allowed to have a lawyer present

you can only be in prison for 24 hours. ifIf it has been 24 hours and they have not charged you then they have to let you go on bail

you are allowed to have your rights read to you

Controversial police powers

Stop and search

Snoopers charter

Moped ramming

Civil law

What is it?


Children arrangements and disagreements.

personal injury cases, such as traffic accidents, trips and falls.

Family arguments, such as divorce.

Civil law is the system of law concerned with private relations between members of a community rather than criminal, military or religous affairs.

criminal law

What is it?

3 examples

sexual offenses

non sexual offenses

murder/ manslaughter

criminal law is a system of law concerned with the punishment of offenders. If cases are criminal they can be brought up to crown courts or even supreme court- the highest court in the UK.

Criminal courts

supreme court

magistrates court (depending on how bad the issue/case is.

Crown court

right on arrest

The police can only arrest someone if its in their best interests to and its the best thing to do in the situation.

Police cant arrest people based on:

If they have a criminal record

If the police dont like them.

How liked they are

Police have to have evidence to arrest.

In criminal courts, they use a jury. This is a group of 12 random people who sit and listen to the case at hand and decide whether the defendant is guilty or not guilty. The jury do have some rules themselves though. They cannot:

Know the defendant.

Ask the defendant questions when the trial is outgoing.

post about it online or try to find information on the case online on websites such as facebook or twitter.

Why do we create laws?

We create laws so we can protect communities from dangerous citizens. This is why we have made the immigration point policy so we can check if anyone moving here if dangerous or a harm to society.

The point system includes:

Having english family/ friends

having a good qualified job.

Being english

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examples of common crimes


drug trafficking

verbal/physical abuse


knife crime

community service:



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lack of structure to their lives


emotional energy

criminals will think that its not too bad and might reoffend

it messes up their mental health

long hours

it doesnt give them a clear message to not reoffend

there is no compensation

helping the community

it helps people to not reoffend