ICT Lesson science cover page







45 minutes

ICT model

SAMR Model

Lesson Planning

Sydney Micro Lesson Planning

Digital TLM

laptop, computers, gadgets with internet connection and relevant digital tools

Digital Platform

Google Docs, Coggle.it, Goggle slides, etc

Lesson Objectives

By the end of the lesson, each child should be able to:

  1. correctly define natural things
  1. correctly define man-made things
  1. list at least 3 examples of natural things found on our daily life
  1. list at least 3 examples of man-made things found in our surrounding
  1. recognize at least 2 importance of man-made and natural things in real life situation.

Lesson Development

Information Input

click to edit

Check the previous knowledge of the students

Teacher will introduce the topic by showing video on natural and man-made things.


Teacher will provide the information input.

Activity 1(Quiz)

Follow up activity(let them solve some additional question on the topic natural and man-made things)

Activity 2 (let the students draw some of the natural and man-made things using Auto draw and publish their work on blog)

Closure (let students tell their take aways from the lesson)

Natural and Man-made things