Social Studies Lesson planning .
Location of Bhutan
Social Studies
45 minutes
ICT model
SAMR model
Adoption of lesson planning
Sydney Micro lesson planning
Digital TLM
Laptop, computers, gadgets with internet connection and relevant digital tools.
Digital platforms
Google Docs,, Goggle slides, etc
Lesson Objectives
At the end of the lesson, a student should be able to:
- accurately locate the position of Bhutan in the Asia map (psychomotor domain)
- correctly list the physical zones of Bhutan (Cognitive domain)
- suggest two ways to maintain good relationship with our neighboring countries (affective domain)
Lesson development
Information Input
Teacher will recapitulate the previous lesson by asking questions. (2 minutes)
Teacher will introduce the lesson by showing a video tutorial on the topic location of Bhutan (8 minutes)
Teacher will provide the information on the topic Location of Bhutan (5 minutes)
Activity One (5 minutes)
Follow-up (5minutes)
Activity Two (10 minutes)
Lesson Closure (10 minutes)
Quiz (Scan the QR code)