as soon as the your ship docked at the beach, you were given a briefing on your mission and rules. Rule number 1, every 5 inmates are assigned a executer and if they notice any suspicious activity, you will be executed on the spot. Rule number 2, inmates are allowed to kill whoever and whatever they want, but not their executers. Rule number 3, they must not stray from the goal of finding the elixir otherwise they will be executed. Rule number 4, there will only be one to be able to accept the full pardon in the end so overyone else will die. rule number 5, there is a unexplored on the map where they must not set foot in, or else they will be executed. On the ship you were given pretty nice hospitality, they fed you 3 meals a day, no labor was required and you werent treated like a prisoner. So you accepted the rules with a sigh and jumped off the boat. As soon as you step foot on the rocky beach, your head was hit by a wave of pain and preasure. A meanacing feeling you have never felt before, was comming from the thick forest infront of you.
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