Unsaturated fatty acids
Omega 6
Effects: omega-6 FAs shown to decrease hip and trochanter BMDin postmenopausal women --> increase risk of osteoporosis; omega-6 FAs shown to decrease total fracture risk, hip fracture
risk, and increase the total body BMD
Mechanisms: Decreasing calcium absorption (due to the formation of calcium-fatty acid soaps), and inducing the release of inflammatory cytokines
Omega 3
Effects: could inhibit osteoclast differentiation and formation, enhance osteoblast activity, inhibit formation of osteoclasts, and facilitate calcium transport in the gut
Mechanisms: Activating receptors expressed in osteoblasts, osteoclasts. Possibly also positively affecting the structures of lipid membranes, which paly roles in the passibe uptake of calcium
Free fatty acid receptor 4 (FFAR), a G-protein coupled receptor, is expressed in the osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and MSCs.