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1. (The red scare, Alger Hiss Imprisoned for 5 years suspected communist…
The red scare
Effects - innocent people were targeted. For example from 1947 the HUAC called 41 writers in to question their communist relations to the film industry. When ten refused to answer they were blacklisted and jailed for one year. this highlighted the anti - communist hysteria in america.
Causes : 1917 russian revolution. there was a heightened fear from the terror stalin who was seen as a tyrant did to russia.There were gulags and the fear of this taking over america scared many who relied on the capitalist country.
Effects - The house of unamerican activities was set up in 1938 to monitor 'extremist groups' suspected of commiting unamerican activities. Public hearings took place
Effects- The federal loyalty boards were set up in 1947 by truman as hoover wrote to him asking for it. As a result of this 3k employees were forced to leave work or fired as they were concidered a security threat. ( government employees)
Effect- Increased tensions between the us and the ussr. Solidified the tension between the pair as the north invaied the south in 1950 ( run my stalin) as they were now fighting through other countries
Effect - Added to the anti- communist hysteria The fear of a communist takeover, for many americans this would have felt like the communists were starting to take over through this war.
The cold war.
- Effects hightened anti commiunist hysteria. There was a major fear in america that communism would take over due to the heightened communism infulx. China turned communist in 1949.
- Effects The truman Doctorine. 1947 A plan that was put into place in order to control other countries turning to communism after the soviet expansion. By offering support to those resisting takeover. Was also backed up by finanical aid to those turning to communism ( the marshall plan ) which provided millions of dollars. Stalin did not allow eastern european countries to accept the aid.
- Effects The berlin crisis of 1948. stalin blocked the pathway june 1948 in order to make berlin dependent on the soviet union. They feared the threat of a recovered germany. he wanted to control berlin and keep them free of western infulence.
Caused by - The development of the atomic bomb from the us in 1945 ( without informing stalin ) and stalin working to boost atomic reasearch. This heigh
Ethel and julius rosenburg 1950 snitched on for supposedly being spies for the soviets on how to develop anatomic bomb.
- Effects There were large protests against the sentence. They were excecuted without fair trial in 1953. And many argued that there was not enough evidence to execute them. highlighted the unfair justice system and how the anti- communist hysteria lead to unfair syste,s.
- Added to the anti- communist hysteria. The fear that there were 'reds under the beds.' This lead to the strengthening of the mcarran act in 1952.which meant communists were not allowed passports, not allowed to work certian jobs and anyone suspected of subversion could be put in a detention camp without trail.
Effects- Downfal.Creating an anti- democratic sense after critizising the army. There was a general atmosphere of disgust among america. He had extreme views and used agressive methods. Popular faces in america left eg. 1952 charlie chaplin was not allowed back in. The extremity of the anti- communist hysteria was giving america a bad name, Also no one was ever convicted of sypying through his work. people stopped talking about politics
Effects- Heightened the hysteria for many americans. He claimed to have a list of 205 government workers who were communist. Made speeches. Acussed many of being a communist im agressive ways and made many americans feel they were at risk. People
Phyllis schafly and oppisiton to the womens movement a contridactry bitch because she was apolitical actavist
Equal rights ammendment she created oppisition to the era called stop era. in the long term she witheld it. until the tim elimit was reached.
effects- caused many women not to join the anti feminism. she worked tirelessly to protect feminine roles, strict opooser of abortion and
The student movement
effects- students for a democratic society. took part in sit ins and freedom rides, by the end of 1960s had 100k members.
Berkley free speach movement- the protest lasted over 2 days of jack weirblerugs arrest,
Veitnam war.
Effects - Major opisiton to the us involvement half a million us soldiers 1969 were involved. rising number of feaths of the troops.
effetcs- also a mjor backlash to the us financial involevement on the war. it was not looking likley that they would win.
young drafting system - average age of 21 was very young.
us tactics in veitnam mass bombings and chemical weapons.
Effects - Media heighetend tensions. Amwrica coild see the horrors of ehat was going on sinvce the introduction of televisons, This lead to protets. such as the kent state protests.
-effetcs. hippies had a lasting impact on america. their attitudes such as wearing unusal clothes, rock music experimenting with drugs and sex. was lomg lasting HELPED more liberal ideas be welcomed into soceity. Their relasxed way of life meant they attented festivals such as woodstock 1969 which over half a million people gathered.
Effect. there was alot of negative backlash. hippes were veiwed as 'wasters' and many did not want their children to act like this. For many the solgans such as 'make love not war and 'if it feels good do it' sparked outrage by
EFFECTS- thighlighted key issues for women
the presidents commison for women december 1961 highlighting huge inequalities women faced.
effect- her work highlighted major issues in equal pay and lead to the signing of the equal pay act in june 1963. followed by the civil rights act of 1964
Betty fridan
effects - she worked to pressure the governement with the NOW group. 1966 and disclosed a bill of rights which by 1970 had 40k members.
Challenged idealogy rooted in mysigony that women should be happy as housewives. . femeinine ystique 1963
- 100k members end of the 1960s. High membership count spread awareness against racial injustice, war and the violation of human rights.
- membership increased during the veiwtnam war.
Opisition to veitnam
effetcs - Many protests against the war SPILT SOCIETY . kent state their were notions such as 'how many kids di dyou kill today?'Burnings of draft cards.
effects - Freedom for women another massive effect of the womens movement. the development of the pill 1960. 1956 it was ruled acceptable gave women control of their bodies, plan their education and work career.
effect- put pressure on the governemt to enforce ewuality. made the now bill of rights and by 1970 had 40k members.m
effect - increased publicity fro the women smovement. protest down new yorks fith avenue 50k people took part. they rallied
negative - some people said that it was too radical their views on abortion.
some argue that it did little to help poor women.
The reason for the explosion of protests in the usa 1960s.
- the impact of the civil rights movement ( sit ins) were the first student movememnt protest
- the emergence of the teenager. ( elvis presley ) rebellion
- the media ( televisons) people were aware of what was going on in the world eg. the veitnam war. grew huge opisiton.
- Music and the arts. the beatles,challenged american traditions.
'dont trust anyone over 30'
Meredith case
Effetcs -
Effetcs -
- he finally regestired with missipi university. he was gaurded by 300 state troops for the next year until he graduated.
- it forced president kennedy to act to take direct action to enforce the supreme court
- african americans were rarely rejected from unis or state authority
- was not allowed into uni because of a 'felony case' acciused of false voter registration.
Missipi freedom summer
Failuire Increased voter regestarition but 17,000 tried only 1,600 actually could.
it brung publicity but solved not enoug
Freedom summer murders. KKK members harsh white backlash killed 3.1964 A tttracted mass media attention huge publicty and support for civil rights.
Voting rights.
Civil rights act of 1964. + SIGNIFICANT LEGAL CHANGE. had enough support of democrats and republicans to sign. showed a willingness to persue the rights of african americans.
dixiecrats manageda 54 day fillerbuster attempt to stop but didnt work.
did not change attitides. difficult to enforce the laws in the south
1960 Sit ins
Effetcs- overall successful many desegragated and many lunch counters suffered.
by the end of 1960 120 towns and cities had desegreated lunch counters.
Effetcs- Atrracted mass media attention. Jails became overcrowed as there was a 'jail not bail' tactic. Greensboro, North Carolina - 4 students defy segregation, sit at segregated lunch counters in department store, then more show up, 4th day 300 show up;
They attracted white protestors for the first time, masses of numbers, infulenced more student protests. Atrracted huge publicity.
Martin luther King
- proposed a non violent way of working. This appealed to white people. infulenced by ghandi he proposed a pasicfist movement. he propsed speaches. i have a deam.
- A sense of diapointment when his ways of working only brung about legal change and not attitude. in 1968 he wa assaisanited.
March on washington 1963
Effetcs -
Martin Luther King gave his famous "I have a dream..." speech. MASSES OF MEDIA ATTENTION AND GAVE PUBLICITY TO THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT.
Effetcs - fixed mlk position as head of the civil rights movement 1964 awarded the nobel peace prize.
It also attracted mass media to this march,250k people came. celebrites bob dylan.
- was televised and gained masses of media attention bob dylan was there
EFFECTS - put presuure on politicans to continue with the civil rights bill. The president assured the protestsors that the bill was heppening. 250,000 people attended the rally
Selma and voting rights.
Effetcs- bloody sunday. footage of black people being attacked was shown. Was an embrassment for america and lead to many people knowing about the events.
Effetcs- lead to some substansial leagal change. The civil rights act 1964 Voting rights act of 1965. Showing that protest could require legal change. And would hopefully lead to attitude change from americans.
Little rock 1957
Effects - Elizabeth eckford showed that the federal government could successfuly overrule state governemnts. The president eizenhower directly interveined to enforce the supreme courts decison. If they reach extreme levels and demonstarted how change could occur.
Effects - Acted as a catylyst for the 1960s civil rights movement The publicity damamged the usa's reputation and made the country look hyprocrytical. demenstarted that media attention was nessacery for change.
Brown vs tropeka 1951
Effects - Brown vs trokepa. 1951 started 1954 ruled.
Very little immidate impact Process was hard
fired teachers. White people left areas due to an infulx of black people 'white flight' There was much white resistance and the monday it was became known as 'black monday. Increased violence towards black americans in the south
Effects- Slightly positive outlook. overturned the plessy f'seperate but equal' gained media attention and forced the government to act. A great victory for the NAACP who challenged this to the local court.
1957 civil rights act
effects - showed black people signifance in the law. first time in 82 years, Lead to investigations on why black peoples votes wernt being seen as significant. civil rights act of 1960 however onky imporvedthe resuly of black voters by 3%
It was fillerbusted for 24 hours by a dixiecrat showing resistance, a whole year it was hled back by.,
Revival of the KKK
Effects - A decrease in support for black civil rights. 'black monday'
White citizens were set up missipi council to reinforce segregation.
Effect- an increase in violence due to a rise in hatred fpr black americans. lynhcings and attacks were more common as a rise in attacks. after the bus boycott in 1956 they started to use bombs. RACIAL VIOLENVCE.
brought the drama of the hearings to the living rooms of millions of American households, broadcasting the proceedings live for two weeks in May 1973.
- was the first time something like this has happened.
congress was passed before moeny spent and meant congress had authority to prevent this from happening again.
Effect- nixon resigned but was recived a full pardon by the new president general ford. this angered mnay americans ad the felt he had not been served justice for his crimes.They were angry that nixon had got waway with lying to them and they fely defeated.
Effect- watergate made americans loose all trust in their governemnt a survery recorrded that by 1974 only 36% of people had trust in the government.m
even though he was importantenforced desegregation, lead improvements with china and soviet union. on,y known for watergate
Protetss 1966-1974
The nation of islam
Effect- 1962 had 40k members. Created an opisiton to the civil rights moveemnt and the peaceful notion of martin luther king.
Effect-Lead to the black power movement African American movement that focused on gaining control of economic and political power to achieve equal rights by force in necessary. (Malcolm X)
- despite the civil rights act 1964
- dThey still felt that there needed to be a more violent way to cope.