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Sociology &
:pencil2:education:pencil2:, :red_flag:DEA :red_flag:,…
:red_flag:DEA :red_flag:
Social class
Explains social class difference in education:
-material deprivation
-cultural deprivation
-cultural capital theory
-internal factors
Explains why girls do better than boys in education:
-internal factors
-external factors
-subject choice depending on gender
social class
cultural capitial
cultural capital theory:
-middle class parents have better education and are better at helping their children with homework.
-this also means they have more knowledge of schools around the area and where they kids should be sent.
- stephen ball refers to middle class parents as "skilled choosers" meaning the they are at a high advantage when it comes to goverment policies of choice and education. they are able to talk to parents who have children that are currently attending the school getting key information on what the schools like to see or hear from aplicants. they are also more used to extracting and assessing data so they are able to put these skills into place to help their childen successed. schools know this and understand middle class children will achieve great due to the support they are able to recieve this gives schools the confidence that they will maintain their position on the league table.
-they value defered gratifaction and can afford to do that due to big income they can lean back on for support.
Evaluation of cultural capital:
-it isnt able to be produced as quatitative data due to its inablity to be measured so we cannot say for sure if the middle class parents are helping their children achieve by using their cultiral capital however it is fair to say its an important point to expain why working class fail despite compensatory policies
internal factors
"The working class has a higher than average percentage of single parent faimlies"- Melanie philips
-income will be less so it will be spent on estentials rather than on education (especially when cultural deprivation is there parents have no intrest in their childrens education because it doesnt serve to the immediate gratification they were taught in their childhood)
-they wont be as present/ involved because of work. support wont be as indiviual/ they wont be as present as a single middle class parent because they dont have the energy/ time after work. meaning less help on homework or encouragement to do educational work. also cant get time of work to go to parents evenings, school concerts and school open days
-culural barriers are more proinant for asian women then boys due to the patriarchal structure of the family.
-cultural factors can only go so far due to relative poverty being the reason bangaladeshi and pakistani underacheive in gcse and all ethnic groups (apart from bangladeshi women) are more likly to go to uni than whites.
-insitututionalised racism is whats holding black students back and leads to lack of opportunity.
Tony Sewell studied black boys in education and found the teachers reacted in a threatened way when they saw students with mascline and physical prowess because of their own socialisation that created racist attitudes.
Cecile Wright found that teachers treated students differently baised on their racist assumtions and expectations. labelling the student before they were given the chance. Howard Becker calls this labelling theory. Afro carribian were always seen as bad and disruptive and they were given considerable attention. where as asian pupils recieved little to no attetion becuase the teachers assumed their english was poor meaning they got excluded from group descussions and not asked questions.
education policies
realised sepearting groups like the tripartite system was rigged and unfair as it created bigger class difference
- equality for all under the one roof
- broad curriculum provided
- more opportunity for every child to take exams
- catchment areas ment that schools "selected by morgage" separting the classes meaning socil mixing was unlikly
- tripartiate systems still continued in some areas and indepdent education still exsisted
tripartite system
to give kids equal opportunity introducing the 11+ tests putting them into gramma, techniqual or secondary moden
- 2/3 of grammar schools were taken by middle class kids due to favourism
- mainly working class pupils that got sent to secondary modern were labelled as failures and had no motivation to succeed
- girls faced sexism in the tests. girls got marked harsher due to the being little spaces avalaible in grammar schools for girls. they achieved better.
- gramma schools gave more opportunities and had specialised subjects leading into universtities where as secondary modern were seen as failures and never tested.
- gave kids from deprived backgrounds opportunity to a first class education
- gave education to kids up till 15
- equality of opportunity
:star: marketisation of education reinforces the class indifference and can be refered to when talking about material, cultural and captal deprivation. :star:
Stephen ball backs this statement by saying those who have more money have greater choice of stateschool due to selection by morgage.
refers to middle class parents as skilled choosers due to their cultural capital.
key sociologists:
bourdieu- middle class habitas
bernstien- restricted speach code
fenstien- restricted speach codes link to low income
conner et all- fear of debt from further education
Gibson and asthana- low income and educational achievement
stephen ball- middle class parents are skilled choosers
(these all being the main factors that mean middle class chilren are able to achieve/ eviedence that meritocracy is a myth.)
key concepts for marketisation:
the new right
selection by morgage
cream skimming
skilled and connected choosers
cultural and social capitial
league tables
A-C economy
National curriculum
teaching the test