Key Concepts in operant Conditioning

08.) Schedule of continuous

10.) Escape learning

02.) Discriminative stimulus

05.) Secondary reinforcer

07.) Extinction

03.) Negative reinforcer

06.) Shaping

01.) Nature of operant

09.) Schedule of partial reinforcement (fixed-ratio, variable-ratio, fixed-interval, or variable-interval schedule)

11.) Avoidance learning

04.) Primary reinforcer

If students receive answers to their questions only when they raise their hands before asking them, hand-raising behavior is strengthened.

A form of learning in which responses are strengthened by the effects they have on the environment

A stimulus that indicates that reinforcement will be available if the correct response is made

A child learns to answer the phone when it rings and to wait for a dial tone before dialing.

An aversive stimulus whose removal strengthens the preceding behavior and increases the probability that the behavior will be repeated.

The annoying sound of a buzzer on an alarm clock increases the likelihood that we will get out of bed to turn it off.

A stimulus that is innately reinforcing because it
satisfy basic biological needs or drives

Food, water and sexual stimulation are primary

A stimulus from which the reinforcement value is derived
from its association with primary reinforcers

Money, which can be exchanged for food and
clothing is a secondary reinforcer.

A process of learning that the reinforcement of ever closer approaches to the desired response

A boy learns to dress himself when his parent strengthens him for achieving each small step in the process.

The gradual weakening and elimination of a
operant response when not reinforced

A girl stops shouting in class without even standing up
her hand when the teacher fails to respond to her.

A schedule for delivering reinforcement every
when a correct response is produced

A girl receives praise each time she puts her
clothes away.

A schedule of the delivery of reinforcement in which
only a portion of the answers are reinforced

A boy receives praise for his clothes away every third time he does it (fixed ratio schedule)

Learners reactions that lead to escape from
an aversive stimulus

A motorist learns detours that provide an escape
of congested traffic.

Learning responses that lead to avoidance of
an aversive stimulus

A person leaves for work an hour early to avoid
heavy traffic.