WECA Place Partnership Funding Ideas - new pathways to Creative Industries
Create a new pathway into training
Short courses into Film & TV
use current space for training out of current hours
boomsatsuma students can help define the route
commercial partners inform content
reach a Diverse audience
Feed to Apprenticeships
Careers Advice into schools
collaborative arts projects showcased through exhibitions
boomsatsuma students can deliver
bring employers information/case studies
500 word EoI by Friday 26th may
Linking creative Inductries to schools 'furthest from'
Partner with other bid leads
Careers advice bid
Jemma Perkins; WECA
Weston Training Provider Network - Simon Arnold
Talent Pathways Bid
Culture Weston
Bath Spa
Shortlisted bids deadline 7th June
Cultural Industries Diversity Bid
Poku Babassa - Diversity