"Almost immediately little airs and damp nesses begin to loosen the human structures of the house, night extends to night, and finally year to year as seasons pass, rains pour down, and rats scrabble and gnaw, mildews rot, and weeds poke up inside the house. The vast forces of the nonhuman world flow over and erase all the intricate structures of the human community. In such a context, the tragedies of the novel's human protagonists appear only as belated parenthetical asides, and centuries of humanist assumptions are overturned." This essay Introduces the various important uses of philosophy In to Lighthouse, exploring the way In which metaphysical thought and the emphasis of nature appears In Woolf's writing. The nature of reality and the cosmic level at which one can view the world, as shown from the passage of Time Passes, where nature takes a higher form than the drop-like specks of human events, down to actions, down to thoughts, all quite Insignificant compared to the huge expanse of the universe, of nature Itself.