JOY MOORE - mother (Chapters 1-6, 8)
She influenced and taught Wes what was wrong and what was right, but after his father's death, she was less emotionally present in his life. It wasn't until he started failing school and having serious behavioral problems that Joy became involved again and sent Wes to military school. He would later learn that his mother made a financial sacrifice in sending him there, because she knew that he desperately needed change. Much later, when Wes is an adult, his relationship with his mother changes significantly--from a disciplinarian to a friend.
"'Wes, you are not going anywhere until you give this place a try. I am so proud of you, and your father is proud of you, and we just want you to give this a shot. Too many people have sacrificed in order for you to be there ... I love you, and I am proud of you. And, Wes, it's time to stop running'" (Moore 95-96).