Lesson 3


Precise description of the user (Can be imaginary)

Has a name, history, and story who ahs a way of doing things

Should have enough details to allow you to step into the persona's view

To see our products and services from their perspective

Empathy Mapping

click to edit

Staying in context

Has an end-goal

Faces realistic, relevant scenarios from a persona’s perspective.

Has visible pain points

Using figures and images

To gain a deeper understanding of end-users.

Think & Feel


Say & Do




Point of View (POV)

Allow to ideate in a goal-oriented manner

Steps to create POV

click to edit

1) Define the User, select the most essential needs from your gathered information

2) Write your definitions into a POV template.

3) “Needs” are human emotional or physical necessities. “Needs” help to define your design challenge.

4) An “Insight” is a remarkable realization that you could leverage to better respond to a design challenge.

5) Create the POV.