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Natraul and revealed theology - Coggle Diagram
Natraul and revealed theology
Some argue that the only genuine knowledge is from reason or sense experience
God is often understood as being unavailable to our five sense because god is not physical therefore beyond realms of reason
For bonaventura he referred to the analogy of the eye, the eye of flesh is the idea of knowing through sense perception while the eye of reason is knowing that lets us work out mathetical truths. The eye of contemplation is knowledge of god beyond senses and reason
For john polkinghorne he was influenced by bonaventura, scieneve is one eye and spiritual truths are another eye both eyes need to work together to give a complete picture
Natrual theology attempt to discover truths about existance and nature of god through human reason and observation
Makes it available for everyone as everyone has the ability to reason and observe
Aquinas was keen to show that Christianity worked well with science and observation by looking at the world and the cause and effect cycle = uncaused causer
Swinburne agrees that the world shows order and regularity = an itteligent being who is the author of the universe (god)
Revealed theology is the idea that god chooses to reveal himself to humans directly through religious experiences or scriptures
Within natrual theology there is a belief we are born with a sense of an infinite being, and made in the image of god to seek and response to god. We also have senses divintas, for Calvin he believed that we have a sense of god and there is no excuse to ignore god because even the most unlearned and ignorant people can still have this sense. However he thinks that we have an epistemic distance with god by ignoring him
This is knowledge that couldn’t be worked out by human reason alone it confirms natrual theology but uncovers truths such as the trinity Jesus and the afterlife
Immediate revelation is where god directly makes himself known to people
Mediate revelation is where people earn about god and gain knowledge about him less directly through those who listen to Moses or read the bible.
Faith is a belief when there is limited evidence or even goes against evidence and reason. For aquinas you cannot have faith and science on the same thing because faith is about the things we are not certain of whereas science is about things we can test
Gods grace is giving full knowledge of himself through Holy Spirit . God is believed to give faith to believe and confidance to share and ability to live a Christian life as the holly spirit
Act 17 looks at both natraul and revealed theology . Through reason Paul hoped his listeners would gain new knowledge of god (natraul theology) and recognised god cannot capture by humans in statues but through gods grace ( revealed theology)
Problems with natrual theology for Karl Barth
He argued that natraul theology was idolatry where people worship false ideas
He argues that clearly people are incapable of working out right and wrong by themselves so need gods commandsments as revealed in the bible
Dawkins argued that faiths is acuatully harmful and encourages people to be lazy in their thinking avoiding any kind of certainty
For Dawkins faith is the great cop out the great excuse to evade the need to think and evelaute evidence