Attitude Industry

Started as a magazine in 1994

Stream publishing owned the brand

Originally owned by Northern & Shell, who owned Daily Mirror

Target Audience

Gay men, LGBTQ community

Independently owned

Socially driven brand - world's largest LGBTQ+ brand

What are the appeals for print and online

Print magazine:

Online Magazine




Links with other media

Tactile Quality

Pleasure of thumbing through

Can revisit without content changing

easier to share

Owner himself is gay, authentic, socially driven


Consider cost and funding


Funded by ads across the brand + print/digital sales

Website helps reduce costs but hard to make money from ads

Shared content across platforms (converges back to website/synergy)

Still needs to make money (Compromised by clickbait)

Diversified into other ventures (awards/branding/socials)

Syndicated content allows website to stay relevant and is cheaper

Salacious content perhaps trivialises social impact


Brand is distributed across multiple platforms to increase its reach

Website, socials, print, events, awards (partnership with Virgin Atlantic)

Website allows the brand to diversify its market and maximise audiences (hesmondhalgh)

Links to simple nature of site

synergy across socials and print

global reach


Online content still difficult to regulate (Livingston + Lunt)

Ads regulated by ASA

Attitude will want to maintain integrity to ensure sales of magazine

Generally self regulating