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Prisoner B-3087: Finding Light in the Darkness - Coggle Diagram
Prisoner B-3087: Finding Light in the Darkness
Krakow, Poland
"I still worried he was wrong, but fresh bread made me forget my troubles." pg.25
Yanek is aware of horrible issues and conditions they are facing but eating bread is some light for his troubles.
"This will pass," my father said. "They'll crack down for a time, and then things will get easier again. It;s always the same. We just have to keep our heads down." pg.10
Yanek's father looks in light of hope if they keep their heads down in hard and difficult times it will all pass throw showing some light in dark times.
"The British and the French have declared war on him, my father said. "Soon the Americans will join them. They won't let Germany roll over all of Europe" pg.3
Yanek's father finds light hoping that the Americans, British, and French stop what Germany is doing. Even in a dark time hoping that someone will save them.
"My parents would not want that for me. In the place of my pain, I felt a stirring of determination. I would not give up. I would not turn myself in. No matter what the Nazis did to me, no matter what they took from me, I would survive." pg.59
Even when Yanek's parents were taken from him with everyone he loved and cared about; Yanek is still sees some light in the darkness and will survive for his parents and loved ones.
Plaszow Concentration Camp
"As I scanned the prisoners along the way to the tailor shop, I thought I saw a familiar face. I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Uncle Moshe." pg.66
Even when Yanek was taking away from the ghetto plus his family was taken away by Nazis. Yanek was able to reunite with his Uncle Moshe.
"But we have only one purpose now: survive. Survive at all costs, Yanek. We cannot let these monsters tear us from the pages of the world." pg.70
Yanek's goal learning from his Uncle Moshe is to survive and live in spite of what situation they are going through.
"It wasn't warm anymore, the bread, but my heart beat faser and my mouth waterd at the thought of eating it. An extra half a loaf!" pg 81.
Yanek was able to find money his mother hid from raids to be able to eat more food with his Uncle Moshe. This money leads to getting more food to live throughout the tough situation they are in.
"The gap in the boards would be wide enough for me to slide down inside, into the space between the floor and ground. I was tempted to pull the board all the way up and roll down inside and disappear.
Yanek was able to find a place to hide for awhile to survive. Finding the light which hiding to rest in the floor boards from Goeth.
Wieliczka Salt Mine
" My two weeks saving my strength under the floor of my barrack saved me" pg.97
By Yanek staying in the floor boards for two weeks helped him regain stamina and energy. By gaining more energy helps him survive to be consider a strong prisoner to live.
Trzebina Concentration Camp
I'm not going to let them line me up on the edge to shoot me, I told myself I will fight back. I will kick the Nazi's shins. I will run. I won't go like a sheep to the slaughter
" pg.109
Yanek is not going to give up. Though the Nazi took everything from him; he would survive and won't go down so easily.
" My arm was free! I scooped snow from the grate. My thin fingers were so cold they were blue, but I didn't care. I shoved snow in my mouth like a toddler eating cake." pg.119
Yanek was able to reach his hand out to get snow from the grate. This snow helps Yanek get water to help him survive.
Birkenau Concentration Camp
" Water rained down on me. Freezing water so cold ir made me scream. Water! Not gas! I was going to live! I laughed and cried, and so did the other men. We celebrated as we shivered, hugging one another and shaking hands, all of us granted a last-minute reprieve by the Nazis." pg.129
Yanek thought they were going to die in a gas chamber but turns out it was just water. This makes Yanek and other prisoners hopeful to live.
" I had thought I was dead, but I was alive. I was a new man that day, just like the bar mitzvah boy. I was a new man, and I was going to survive." pg.135
Yanek felt like a new man though he thought he was going to die; he believes he has a chance to live and escape the situation he's in.
" Maybe that's why the prisoners nicknamed it Mexico. To make it them think of something different from what B III really was." pg.137
Prisoners uses exotic names of place to keep some positivity to hide the fact the horrible camps the go to.
Auschwitz Concentration Camp
" The Allies were the forced aligned against Germany-England, France, America, and the rest... The Allies were bombing close by!" pg.158
Allies are coming close which mean Yanek and other prisoners have hope to be saved eventually from the camps.
" Just talking about all that delicious food made my stomach rumble, but it was fun to dream." pg.159
With Fred, Yanek daydreamed about food. Though it made them hungry it was something to give light though they didn't have much food or have the food they wanted.
Death March
" I was going to survive it all. I was going to be alive when the Allies liberated us. This I swore. pg. 168
Yanek is hopeful he will survive every single camp and journey he faces to be saved by allies to stop the Nazis.
Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
Every swing meant survival, I told myself.
Work to live. Live until the Allies come.
Yanek continues to work hard to live and survive till he's recused. In that he has hope and faith he'll be saved soon.
Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camp
"When we got back to the barracks, we were fed the thickest, richest soup I had eaten in six years, and big pieces of fresh bread, hot from the oven!" pg.198
Yanek is happy that he was able to eat delicious food and not just half loaf of bread. Food shows light in the darkness that Yanek will be able to survive with with the food and keep working.
Buchenwald Concentration Camp
At roll caw a few days later, they told us we were being moved again. Gross-Rosen needed workers and there were no new shipments." pg.209
Gross-Rosen Consentration Camp
"I would work. I would survive. If the Nazis were going to play their game, so I was" pg.214
Yanek was going to work and plan to survive showing confidence in the dark times he will live and survive till the very end of it.
Death March
"Moonface had found it in his heart to be generous once, for whatever reason. But just this once." pg.231
Yanek was able to convince Moonface to spare him and gifted him kindly to Yanek a loaf of bread.
" I had done it! I was no longer a Jew to the Nazis! I was going to live!" pg.236
Since the documents were destroyed, Yanek was chancing and able to trick the Nazis, to think he wasn't Jewish.
Dachau Concentration Camp
"The Allies had reach us at last!" pg.245
Yanek and other prisoners are free and survived the terrors of being in these camps due to the Allies final came to save them.
"Piece by piece, bit by bit, the Americans were giving me back my life" pg.249
Since Yanek is free, Americans giving him his life back by giving him basic necessities like a toothbrush.