Anabolic Steroids



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Anabolic steroids are testosterone analogues that have been developed to produce the tissue-building effects of testosterone with less androgenic effect.

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Therapeutic Action

The desired and beneficial actions of anabolic steroids are as follows:

Promote body tissue-building processes.

Reverse catabolic or tissue-destroying processes

Increase hemoglobin and red blood cell mass.


Anabolic steroids are indicated for the following medical conditions:

Anemias, certain cancers, and angioedema

Promote weight gain and tissue repair in debilitated patients and protein anabolism in patients who are receiving long-term corticosteroid therapy.

Also known to be used illegally for the enhancement of athletic performance by promoting increased muscle mass, hematocrit, strength, and endurance.


Contraindications and Cautions

The following are contraindications and cautions for the use of anabolic steroids:

Allergy to androgens or other ingredients in the drug. Prevent hypersensitivity reactions.

Pregnancy, lactation. Potential masculinization in neonates.

Liver dysfunction. Drug is metabolized in the liver and are known to cause hepatic toxicity.

Coronary disease. Potentional increase in cholesterol level through the effect of the drug on the liver.

Prostate/breast cancer in males. Exacerbated by the effects of these drugs.


Adverse Effects

Use of anabolic steroids may result to these adverse effects:

In prepubertal males: virilization (e.g. phallic enlargement, hirsutism, increased skin pigmentation).

In postpubertal males: inhibition of testicular function, gynecomastia, testicular atrophy, priapism (painful and continual erection of the penis), baldness, and change in libido.

In women: hirsutism, hoarseness, deepening of the voice, clitoral enlargement, baldness, menstrual irregularitie.