How can I improve in art with such less time to work with?
I can practice a lot in those times and put more effort into my artworks
I could shorten my breaks or draw and make artworks in my break time.
I can take small steps to do more challenging pieces and I can also take small steps to start adding color into my work.
I can find some more free times such as on weekends and holidays.
I can try drawing things I don't usually draw to try something new and find more things to draw but also keep drawing things I am good at to keep up the skill.
By adding more effort I mean I can try to do better without any signs of lazyness.
I can get addicted to my break so I could also set alarms to tell me it is time to get off my phone and everything else and get back to studying or drawing or whatever is needed to be done.
I can finish my holiday homework at once or do some per day and have some time to draw and other things.
I can try adding some colors such as if I am drawing a character I can start with coloring eyes or the hair first.
I can do some drawings that are either simple or drawing types that i usually draw to make things easier and less stressful at first and I can take small steps to get to better drawing levels.
I can also try new techniques during my break since I obviously have more than 5 minutes
Instead of being distracted on my holiday I could try improving myself including daily art.
I should set one alarm because if I have many I will ignore it saying "I'll get off when the next alarm rings"
I can also try extending my time in art at times to finish up what I was doing.
I won't just sketch quickly and get it over with
If I am not busy on holiday and I am not going anywhere all I might have is holiday homework so I can practice my art and occupy myself with other things.
Time management
No more excuses
Use time wisely
Have a reward when I draw at least 15 to 30 minutes a day. If I don't draw I can restrict myself to go on social media.
Whenever I do my art I always hide them out of embarrassment thinking people would laugh at it so I think I need to build some confidence and communication level.
I also can't communicate with people, it is hard to express my work or have a collaboration.
I would choose to not join any competition since I have stage fright, I am very scared of judgement.