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Crusoe, leaves home when he was 19 years old

he travels around the world to make his fortune

Born in York in 1632

his first voyage leads him to Guinea and then back to England

He becomes the owner of a plantation in Brazil and sets out on a voyage to Africa to get more slaves

during this journey he is shipwrecked on a desert island where he will remain for 28 years

when he returns to England, he discovers that his plantation in Brazil has made him very rich


Robinson organises a primitive empire

he didn't want return to nature, but dominate nature

ideal place for Robinson to prove his qualities


Attractive and lively, 
he becomes the symbol of the colonised.

Robinson rescues him, teaches him the word ‘master’, Western culture and to read the Bible

is the first native character

Robinson is restless, refuses the model provided by his father and wants to find his identity

Pragmatic, individualistic outlook, rational approach to reality


clear and precise details;

description of the primary qualities of objects;

First-person narration

simple, matter-of-fact and concrete language.


The society Robinson creates on the island is

Though God is the prime cause of everything, the individual can shape his destiny through action

an exaltation of 18th-century England


religious references to God, sin, providence, salvation

The hero reads the Bible to find comfort and guidance.

Defoe explores the conflict between economic motivation and spiritual salvation.