McCarthyism/ Truman era


McCarthy US Senator

1950 McCarthy makes speech saying that 205 members of the communist party were working for the State Department

for the next two years McCarthy´s accusation came one after another against many democrats, as the new president Eisenhower was Republican, McCarthy gained prestige

when McCarthy suggested communism had inflitrated the Army, Eisenhower attacked, forbidding any member of his administration form testifying


impacts on domestic policies

attack on TRuman, his adminitstrarion and the Democratic party

president Eisenhower´s election in 1952

McCarthy´s downfal 1954, accused of harboring communists

impact on foreign policy

non-recognition of the PRC

NS-69 in 1949

McCarthy blames TRuman for lack of action as North Korea attakes South Korea, pressure on TRuman to be less ´soft on communism

ímpact on culture in the US

children had to prepare for possible nuclear attacks, parents bought backyard bomb shelters

the Korean War lad a little to desegragation, as segregation had existed in the Army but nor in the Korean War

religion gained importance, millions of listeners gathered to hear Bishop Sheen denounce communism

Truman era of containment

reasons for containment

the Long Telegran

Churchhill´s Iron Curtain speech

Truman Doctrinen1947

Truman doctrine ended in Marshall plan-< economic support to rebuild war torn Europe up again

implication for the International situation

Berlin Airlift

RIO conference

Latin America wanted Aid, Truman wanted collective security

Rio treaty agreed that if one member state was attacked it was an attack on all, Latin America disappointed

Organisation of American States 1948

its purpose waas hemispheric sooperation and solidarity, members pleged to fight communism in thei hemisphere

NATO-> created in response to the Berlin Blockade, also led to the creation of the FRG and the BDR, led to counter organisation Warsaw pact


Korean War, US advocated to the UN to defend South Korea, USSR not present to throw in their veto


containment and Canada

Igor Gouzenko spy affair on containment

acceptacnce of containment principles

support for Marshall plan once US confirmed Europe could use Marshall plan to buy Canadian goods

he was a soviet spy stationed in Ottawa in the second world War

Gouzenko had proof that the USSR had been spying on its allied, the US and Britain

the soviets had built themselves an espionage center in Ottawa

Gouzenko was a cipher who decoded and coded messages

he did not want to leave Canada for the USSR,which he had to so he gathered document which could be of interest to the Canadians

this affair resulted in mistrust from Canada