Sport Media Documentary Ideas - Educational and informative piece for Juraj, Enriko, Erik and Ethan's group
Sports and Globalisation
sports and globalisation
end of soviet union
juraj and enriko's history teacher
The growth of the Gaelic Games worldwide
Iron courtain
Possible documentary storyline
- Introduction to the Gaelic Games - could include snippets of interviews
- Highlight the Den Haag team and the growth throughout Benelux region - including things from the interviews
Football and Hurling
Pan-Euros comps
World Championship
Benelux comps
Experts to possibly interview
Mary Gavin
Des Breen
Micheal Mctaggart
David Padden
European champion
Den Haag GAA Secretary
Den Haag GAA Coach
Den Haag GAA Coach
- recap and conclusion
Mental Health in sports
A documentary about how the covid - 19 pandemic affected the youth of our generation mentally and how the lack of sport affected us as well as how the re introduction to sport afterwards benefitted us as individuals from different nations
Possible Storyline
- Recap of what happened and an introduction to those people we have interviewed - could be coaches and players to see multiple stories
2.could include our own personal stories also, or interview our classmates? to see how they were affected
- Through those people we interview show how they were affected, using them to show the broader society of our age group 18-20 year olds now, and use these individuals' stories to emphasise the importance of sport an exercise for the youth for competition, socialising and health
Possible interviewees
If they have experience in either playing or coaching sport, which nearly everyone does
our own coaches and players outside of university should the be applicable to our demographic outlined above