Statistical infrequency

Define anything as 'normal' or 'abnormal' is in terms of the number of times it is observed

Any relatively 'usual' behaviour or often seen can be thought of as 'normal' behaviour

Example: IQ - IQ is normally distributed and the average IQ is 100. Individuals scoring below 70 are statistically unusual or abnormal and are diagnosed with intellectual disability disorder

AO3 +ve: Real Life Application: all assessments of patients with mental disorders includes some comparison to statistical norms. Intellectual disablility disorder demonstrates how statistical infrequency can be used. Statistical infrequency is thus a useful part of clinincal assessment

AO3 -ve: Unusual characteristics can be positive: If very few people display a behaviour, that makes the behaviour statistically abnormal but doesn't mean the person requires treatment. IQ scores over 130 are just as unusual as those below 70 but not regarded as undesirable and requiring treatment. Means it can never be used alone to make a diagnosis

AO3 -ve: Not everyone benefits from a label: When someone is living a happy and fulfilled life, there is no benefit to them being labelled as abnormal. Someone with a low IQ who was not out of work and not distressed would not need a diagnosis of an intellectual disability. Being labelled as abnormal might have a negative effect on the way others see them and how they view themselves

Deviation from social norms

Abnormality is based on social context: When a person behaves in a way that is different from how they are expected to behave they may be defined as abnormal. Societies and cultural groups make collective judgements about 'correct' behaviours in particular circumstances

Few behaviours would e considered universally abnormal so definitions are related to cultural and historical context. EG homosexuality is viewed as abnormal in some cultures but not others and was considered abnormal in our society in the past

Antisocial Personality Disorder: symptom of APD is failure to conform to lawful, culturally normative ethical behaviour. A psychopath is abnormal because they deviate from social norms/standards and lack empathy

AO3 -ve: Culturally relative: A person from one cultural group may label someone from another group as abnormal using their standards rather than the persons standards. Eg hearing voices is socially acceptable in some cultures but seen as abnormality in UK. This creates problems for people from on culture living with another cultural group

AO3 -ve: Human rights abuse: Too much reliance on deviation from social norms to understand abnormality can lead to a systematic abuse of human rights. Nymphomania (women attracted to working-class men) are examples of how diagnosis was used for social control. Some modern abnormal classifications are abuses of peoples rights to be different

Failure to function adequately

Cannot cope with everyday living - eg cant hold down a job, maintain relationships or hold basic hygienic standards

Rosenhan and Seligman proposed signs of failure to cope

They no longer conform to interpersonal rules eg maintaining personal space

They experience personal distress

They behave in a way that is irrational or dangerous

Intellectual disability disorder: signs that the person is unable to cope with demands of everyday life

AO3 +ve: Recognises patients perspective: The definition acknowledges that the experience of the patient and/or others is important. it captures the experience of many people who need help and is useful for assessing abnormality. HOWEVER this may not be an entirely satisfactory approach because it is difficult to asses distress

AO3 -ve: The same as deviation from social norms: It can be hard to say whether someone is failing to function adequately or just deviating from social norms. People who live alternative lifestyle or do extreme sports could be seen as behaving maladaptive. if we treat these behaviours as 'failures' of adequate functioning we may limit freedom

AO3 -ve: Subjective judgement: Someone has to judge whether a patient is distressed or distressing. Somer patients may say they are distressed but may be judged as not suffering. There are methods for making judgements as objective as possible eg Global Assessment of Functioning Scale. However this principle still remains whether someone eg a psychiatrist has the tight to make this judgement.

Deviation from ideal mental health

A different way tolook at normality and abnormality is to look at what makes someone 'normal' and psychologically healthy

Jahoda developed the criteria for ideal mental health:

No symptoms or distress

Rational and perceive ourselves accurately

self actualise

can cope with stress

have a realistic view of the world

have good self esteem and lack guilt

independent of other people

can successfully work, love and enjoy our leisure

Someone's inability to keep a job may be a sign of their failure to cope with the pressures of work or as a devaiation from the ideal of siccessfully working

AO3 +ve: Comprehensive: The definition covers a broad range of criteria for mental health. It probably covers most of the reasons someone would seek help from mental health services or be referred for help. The sheer range of factors discussed makes it a good tool for thinking about mental health

AO3 -ve: Culturally Relative: Some of the ideas in Jahodas classification are specific to Western European cultures. Eg the emphasis on self-actualisation would be considered self-indulgent in much of the world where the focus is on community rather than oneself Such traits are typical of individualist cultures and are culturally specific

AO3 -ve: Unrealistically high standard for mental health: Very few people will attain all Jahodas criteria for mental health. nTherefore this approach would see majority o us as abnormal. On the positive side it makes it clear to people the ways in which they could benefit from seeking help to improve their mental health.