Generally speaking in the establishment government affairs we do not regard close and quick matter as valuable, but the state in the actions of recent times has put a lot of effort into all quickly arising matters, we are afraid of this, it is not the system of orderly politics. As for onmun , if you say it is something we could not do so we made it, this is changing our culture, change is a big matter So if it is suitably discussed together from the prime minster reaching down to all officials, all the people of the country think it is right, preferably it is re-evaluated and they think about it three more times, and then criticism is reported to the emperor and there are no objections, it is appealed to China, and if there is nothing to be ashamed about, and for hundreds of generation we wait for a sage to have no doubts, then it is something we can put into practice.
Now we chose not to not to have people discuss it widely, and suddenly teach 10 officials it and they become accustomed, and also lightly amend the already established by people of antiquity's rhyming dictionary and put together this baseless onmun, and gathered together tens of carvers to make woodblock prints so it can hurriedly be distributed widely, what would the public opinion of the later generations of the world?
Also on this royal procession to Chongju Ch'oesuri especially when you are concerned for the circumstances of this years poor harvest, you made an effort to reduce all the work for your attendants, compared to your previous work you reduced 8/9 out of 10, and the state matters you had handed over came to you or entrusted to the State council. things like onmun are not the states maters that are urgent and have an unavoidable deadline that has to be reached. So why is it at the place you are staying temporarily you do this urgently and cause an inconvenience while you take care of your body?