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Meat Industries -
Meat And Meat Industries
The meat
Meat contains vital vitamins for the body. Vitamin B12, for example, contributes to the normal formation of red blood cells, as well as the normal functioning of the nervous system and the immune system
Skeletal muscle structure..
.A skeletal muscle is made up of muscle fascicles formed, in turn, by a set of muscle fibers. Each muscle is inserted into the bone by means of tendons, which are basically made up of fibrous, elastic and solid tissue
bundles and fibers
The set of muscle fibers make up bundles and fascicles which are lined by connective tissue (endomysium, perimysium, epimisus), and are frequently attached to tendons.
They are muscle cells that are arranged in parallel to form the characteristic structure inside the muscles. Inside it we can find the proteins actin and myosin
. An organelle or organelle is a specific structure within a cell
.white and red muscles
El músculo rojo, que debe su color en parte a la mitocondria, prevalece en las personas que realizan entrenamiento de resistencia, como los corredores de maratón, mientras el músculo blanco domina en los cuerpos de los levantadores de pesas y velocistas, que requieren explosiones cortas e intensas de energía.
.chemical composition of meat
Its main components, variable according to the species of origin, are water (65-80%), protein (16-22%) and fat (1 to 15%). These components can also vary depending on the breed, sex, age of the animal and even the food administered to the animal.
muscle proteins
.Protein constituents of muscles, of which ACTINS and MYOSINS are the main
Lipids are organic biomolecules formed basically by carbon and hydrogen and generally also oxygen; but in much lower percentages.
Carbohydrates, also called carbohydrates, are the sugars, starches, and fibers found in a wide variety of foods such as fruits, grains, vegetables, and dairy products.
Quality characteristics of fresh meat
the color of meat
lMeat has a reddish color, characteristic of myoglobin, a protein that accumulates in the animal's muscle. Its amount is variable and depends on the species, age, sex, feeding of the animal and also the cut of meat.
muscle pigments
Myoglobin is a "hemoprotein", composed of a heme group and an iron atom, and its function is to store oxygen in muscle cells.
meat color variations
This darkening is due to oxidation, to chemical changes in myoglobin, due to the oxygen content
Water retention capacity
Water retention capacity (WRC) is a term frequently used to describe the ability of muscle to retain water even when external pressures are applied to it.
CRA mechanisms and their modifications
One of the most widely used methods to calculate the CRA of meat and fish is the filter paper pressure method. This experimental determination is based on the measurement of the water expelled by the sample when applying a high pressure through two glass or methacrylate plates
The smell and taste of meat.
Fresh raw meat has a faint lactic acid odor. The meat of older animals offers a stronger smell and flavor than that of the young. Refrigerated meat for long periods of time develops characteristic aromas of old or game
Components that determine the flavor of meat
These factors include the maturity of the carcass, firmness, texture and color of the meat, as well as the amount and distribution of marbling within the meat.
conversion of muscle to meat
Physiology of muscle contraction and energy metabolism
process that is carried out before a nervous stimulus, which produces the shortening of the muscle fibers.
Evolución post-mortem
Post mortem changes correspond to a series of processes that occur in an organism after death, producing new morphological alterations, which are a direct consequence of the natural biodegradation of cells and tissues.
Development of rigor mortis and factors that condition it.
it is a recognizable sign of death that is caused by a chemical change in the muscles that causes a state of rigidity (from the Latin rigor) and inflexibility in the extremities and a difficulty in moving or manipulating the corpse.
Basic mechanisms of maturation
deployment of the intrinsic forces of the organism itself that are appropriating and using external elements necessary for the subsistence and development of the self
PSE and DFD meats
.A DFD meat is produced in animals with prolonged and harsh stress before slaughter. PSE meats occur more frequently in animals that have a genetic predisposition to porcine stress syndrome, and are subjected to short and acute stress.
obtaining meat
Structure and function of slaughterhouses.
The slaughterhouse is divided into three main areas: the pens, the slaughterhouse and the suspension/refrigeration room. If the dimensions of the place are sufficient, the pens and cold rooms can be expanded to increase production
sacrificial operations
sacrifice. Introduction. Collection of pigs. Transport. Arrival at the slaughterhouse. Accommodation and transfer. Daze. bleeding. Scalding. Shaved, singed and flogged. Gutted and marked. Exploded.
Cutting and handling of fresh meat
The churrasco is obtained from it, a juicy piece that is delicious cooked on the grill. It is about the void, the lower part of the rib where there is no longer any bone.
. hot cutting
electrical stimulation of channels
involves the passage of an electric current through the carcass of recently slaughtered animals. This current causes the muscles to contract, thus, when the muscle goes into rigor mortis, it is a way to prevent excessive shortening of the muscle fibers.
Refrigeration and freezing of meat
Refrigeration techniques and equipment
The most frequent methods of refrigeration are vapor compression, absorption and adsorption, gas cycles and thermoelectric refrigeration (paramagnetic refrigeration is a very special method to obtain temperatures close to absolute zero).
Cold shortening.
cold cut: the so-called cold shortening occurs when the meat cools very quickly and the temperature drops below 10ºC before the onset of rigor mortis
cold storage of meat
Cold storage between 3°C and 7°C is common, although meat is kept longer at 0°C and frozen at much lower temperatures, typically around -12°C to -18°C.
. Curing and salting of meat
Reaction mechanisms of nitrite in meat.
l Nitrite in high concentrations is toxic, as it is capable of binding to blood hemoglobin, in a similar way to the way it does to myoglobin in meat, forming methemoglobin, a compound that is no longer capable of transporting oxygen.
Curing Aids
Main salted meat products.
sheep, horse, beef or goat meat is a similar product called "cecina", but in which fine slices are made and previously passed through brine