The Sacraments : Holy Communion

''For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes'' Corinthians 11:26

Essential Information

  • Holy Communion (also known as the Eucharist) is the sacrament that uses bread and wine to celebrate the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and his resurrection
  • It recalls the Last Supper of Jesus, using his words and actions
  • Christians interpret the meaning of Holy Communion in different was, but all agree that it brings them closer to each other and to God

Meaning of Holy Communion

Holy Communion is a service which celebrates and gives thanks for the sacrifice of Jesus' death and resurrection, It has different meanings for different Christians.

  • Catholics, Orthodox and some Anglicans believe the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. This means Jesus is fully resent in the bread and wine. this is a divine mystery that helps believers share in the saving sacrifice of Jesus' death and resurrection
  • Protestants celebrate Holy Communion as a reminder of the Last Supper. they dont believe the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. instead, the bread and wine remain symbols of Jesus' sacrifice, which helps believers to reflect on its meaning today

Impact of Holy Communion

For many Christians, Holy Communion is at the centre of their lives and worship. It affects individuals, local communities and the wider society in a number of ways


  • Christians receive God's grace by joining in the sacrifice of Jesus
  • This helps to strengthen their faith
  • They become closer to God


  • Holy Communion brings the community of believers together in unity by sharing the bread and wine
  • This can provide support and encouragement for those going through a difficult time

Wider Society

  • Holy Communion acts as a call to love others in practical ways
  • It encourages Christians to work for equality and justice for all
  • Many churches collect money during the service to help support those in need, such as the poor or homeless