GCSE ICT- Design Tools Revision


Visualisation Diagrams



A wireframe is the best design tool for planning a project...

It is a rough outline of what the final product will be...

Advantages:: Clear to see what will be created, Help see where there might an issue and it's easy to edit and receive feedback...

Disadvantages:: Doesn't focus on any technical details, not suitable for use of a timeline and too much time can be spent on the small details it doesn't focus on the bigger picture



Often used to show processes, workflows and decisions. Different shapes represent different steps you need to take.

A flowchart is a clear path of the goal/project you want to complete/achieve

Advantages:: Good at showing a clear route on how to achieve your final goal

Disadvantages:: Too many options make it too complicated to understand

A mindmap is a way of organising/presenting information and explaining the links/relationships of it.

A presentation mindmap is used for presenting a company product

A library mindmap focuses on storing information in an organised fashion

A tunnel mindmap is good at organising the stages of a product

Advantages:: Easy to edit, good at linking ideas

Disadvantages:: If too many items are added it could get messy and confusing


A visualisation diagram is a rough sketch/ layout of the final product and it focuses on the visual layot

Advantages:: Easy to understand and can be edit very easily

Disadvantages:: Doesn't work if the product involves history or a timeline


SIDE NOTE:: A visualisation diagram is a low fidelity design tool

SIDE NOTE:: You can get high and low fidelity design tools