The rain turns into a minor storm and soon, when they are near a camp, both Sally and Grover have talked about while in the car, they found themselves being persecuted by a minotaur, a creature Percy believed only existed in the mythos, afterwards a lightning stiked near the car, forcing Sally to make a sudden turn and crash the car, after getting out they remember the minotaur and Sally tells Percy to run into the forest while explaining how to dodge, the minotaurs attacks.
Percy implores his mother to follow them to no avail, Grover was nearly uncontious and he loded the idea of abandoning his mom, sadly at one point it apeard as if the minotaur had stiked Sally and she fell, she looked dead, Percy grasped every bit of anger and bravely tried to fight the minotaur under the rain, he succeded and just as he arrived at camp to ask for help he lost conciousnes.
Percy woke up and was soon told that one of his parents was a god from ancient greek, although who was yet to be seen, he also realised that his mother might also be dead, but no body was found, so he had a little hope
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