Short Term Effects
Street Names
Long Term Effects
Takes 30-45 minutes to kick in, and effects last for 3-6 hours. Side effects may be felt the day after ingesting ecstasy.
"Molly", stands for "molecular", as in the
crystalline form of MDMA. MDMA is it's scientific name.
"Hug Drug" and "Lover's Speed" because it promotes feelings of closeness and empathy.
"Disco Biscuit" and "Peace" because it is a party and a feel good drug
Confusion, depression, anxiety
False sense of affection/empathy
Blurred vision, muscle tension, faintness, chills or swelling
Sleep problems, automatic teeth clenching and drug craving
Anxiety, Paranoia, and Depression
Comes in pill or powder form
Looks bright and colourful like candy, also some have logos on them
Liver damage
Classed as an empathogen with its increasing of empathy towards others and well being.
Increased extroversion; overly-friendly
Overdose Symptoms
Panic attacks/seziures
High blood pressure
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Impaired memory, and inability to pay attention: brain damage
Elephants, XTC, Scooby snacks, Beans
Hemorrhaging: losing blood from damaged blood vessels.
Psychosis: losing the ability to have contact with reality.
Recreational drug, has stimulating and hallucinogenic properties.
It is most commonly consumed by the mouth
Sometimes it is injected or snorted
There is also liquid ecstasy, which is a nervous system depressant. It is also known as GHB.
Withdrawal Symptoms
Intense cravings
Depression and anxiety
Agitation and difficulty concentrating
Loss of appetite, change in self-perception
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The average first-time user is around 20 years old
The chances of buying MDMA that isn't pure in the streets is 55.2%
History of Ecstasy
Created in 1912 by a German pharmaceutical company.
Like alcohol, cannabis, amphetamines, etc., Ecstasy is also a widely used drug.
It's intention was to be a parent compound that incorporated medications that controlled bleeding.
Around 70 percent of people ages 18 to 29 report using ecstasy at one point in their life
In the 70's and 80's, psychiatrists believed that MDMA would help patients to communicate better.
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