Kim and Nelson's poor working relationship

Bringing positive change
for organizational performance

Positive and/or behaviour & impacts on organizational performance

Downward & Upward Organizational Communication

Job Characteristics Model

Path Goal Theory

Cohesiveness & Performance Norm

Affective Conflict

Conflict Management

Goal-setting Theory

Emotional Intelligence

leader's role to provide support & resources to help subordinates achieve goals/objectives

Downward ; managers -> subordinates

skill variety, task identity, task significance, autonomy, job feedback

Cohesiveness ; attraction towards each other

Emotional conflict ; anger, frustration & anxiety

Identifying & resolving conflicts in a constructive way

setting specific & measureable goals to improve performance

ability to understand and manage one' emotions & others

Instead of giving critics, Kim should provide her feedbacks

Kim wasn't giving Nelson her work expectations toward him; she needs to clarify it

Upward : subordinates -> managers

Communication from Kim to Nelson wasn't effective at first because she was angry

Communication from Nelson to Kim was a success as he was more calm

Kim can restructure more manageable work for Nelson ; Not burnout

Giving more autonomy ; Nelson will feel more valued

Performance Norm ; benchmark for effort & output

As both have different personalities, team building could be helpful

Nelson could know what to do and how to achieve it

Nelson thorough assessment of Kim's situation

Nelson's ability not to lash out without thinking through

Kim can set clear goals for her work with Nelson

Productive environment will increase job satisfaction

Control tone of voice

Be clear with each other's feelings

Nelson admitted his low work performance

Nelson tried understanding Kim's pressure

Nelson plans ahead before confronting Kim