Paying attention to them when they explain their needs, problems or the reasons that led them to join our company. It is not a matter of hearing but of listening. Active listening involves, firstly, physically attending to the customer, looking at him, following his conversation, making gestures and uttering words that indicate follow-up and assent; secondly, trying to understand what the customer is saying and what he wants to say.
Avoid interrupting, wait until you have finished your message and ask for clarification when you have not understood. Likewise, do not get carried away by appearances and first impressions. Do not give solutions in advance or presuppose what you are going to say or what has not been said. It is necessary to understand what the client is saying, what he wants to say and what he feels, and for this you must ask effective questions, putting yourself in the client's place and trying to tune in with his feelings.
Between the two extremes, professionalism acts to find the most convenient solution.