Programming Languages and IDE



Low Level Language

High level language

Machine Code


Stands for integrated development environment


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run-time environments.

automatic line numbering.

error trapping.

colour coding.


variable tracing.


Language types

First Gen

Machine code

Directly executable by the processor

.The generation that “computers understand”

.Difficult to program in,hard to understand.hard to find errors(hard to debug)

Second Gen

Assembly Code

Easier to program but still difficult

Uses mnemonics

One assembly Language instruction translates to one machine code instruction (1-1 relationship)

Needs to be translated into machine code for the computer to be able to execute it.

Third Gen

Easier to understand(programmers)

.Easier to find errors,easier to de-bug

Uses english like keywords

One instruction translates into many machine code institutions


Translated using compilers and interpreters

Fourth Gen

Known as declarative language

Facts and Rules are stated

Describes what computation should be performed and not how to perform it

Examples include-SQL,Expert Systems,Artificial Intelligence


An interpreter analyses and executes each line of a high-level language program without looking at the entire program. Execution will be slower than for the equivalent compiled code as the source code is analysed statement by statement.
They translate and execute source code,line by line>Source code is checked for syntax-if correct,code is executed.If incorrect interpreting is stopped.


A compiler is a language translator that will transform source code in a programming language into machine code.A compiler will go through the entire source code in one go, translating the entire source code at once.Machine code is in 0’s and 1’s.Compiled code tends to execute much quicker than interpreted code.It is used at the end of the code.

The different levels of programming are written in different ways and have varying levels of difficulty in understanding.Lower levels are directly inputting machine code to make the computer do certain things while higher level uses english-like words instead.

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