
civic nationalism

an open and voluntary - if you choose to sign up the values of the nation state you are welcomed

this type of nationalism is inclusive, as members see themselves as part of a community of citizens unified by a commitment to democratic ideals.

it is the basis of peaceful, dynamic and diverse society that will drive social and economic progress

this is the left of the nationalists

political parties such as the Scottish National Party and Plaid Cymru are examples of civic nationalist parties

conservative nationalism

liberal nationalism

founded on the defence of indivudual freedom

nationalists see nations as sovereign entities entitled to rights

believed that nations are all equal

ultimate aim is the construction of a world of independent nation states

promotes unity within a nation

critics claim it is naive and romantic

they ignore the darker side of nationalism such as tribalism

a problem is that it implies that all nations live in convenient geographical locations

tends to develop in established nation states rather than ones in the process of becoming nation states

in th 19th century consevatives saw nationalism as a radical dangerous force

conservative statement became sympathetic to the idea of nationalism - seeing it as a way of maintaining social order and defending tradition

society is organic: nations emerge naturally form the desire of humans

principle goal is to maintain national loyalty by encouraging patriotism as well as to protect and enhance social order and traditional institutons

they use traditional institutions as symbols of national identity e.g. monarchy

conservative nationalism can be seen as a form of elite nationalism

expansionist nationalism

the domiant image of nationalism is one of aggression and militarism - opposite of self determination

came apparent in the 19th century

jingoism (extreme patriotism) described the mood of this popular nationalism

brought about chauvinism ( prejudice against particular groups)

military glory and conquest are the ultimate evidence of national greatness

require a heightened sense of belonging to a distinct national group - stimulated by 'national integration': seeing other races as a threat or an enemy (xenophobia)

commonly been reflected in racist ideologies

anti colonial and post colonial nationalism

experience of colonial rule forged a nationhood and desire for national liberation almost the people of Asia and africa

anti colonial movements often voiced the ideas of liberal nationalism

during the 1960s and the 1970s many people were drawn to marxism ideas - believing colonialism is an extended form of class oppresison

lenin portrayed colonialism as an economic tool - for capitalist countries to exploit

the class struggle then became a struggle against colonial exploitation and oppression

the overthrow of colonial rule implied social revolution as well as political independence

key thinkers

Johann herder

  • 'volkgeist' each nation has its own distinctive spirit that binds it together
  • nations differences are revealed through langauge
  • cultural nationalism - every nation is different and that every nation has its own cultural character (e.g. Britain and the two world wars)
  • patriotism was an important quality to have
  • ocnservative German nationalist (UKIP)
  • cultural nationalists centre their culture around language and participation

nation states would respect the soverignty of other states

jean Jacques rosseau -
critical of representative assemblies as he believed that they were prone to corruption so he advocated for direct demoracy

  • civic nationalism can be achieved through education such as studying the literature of their own country
  • sovereignty of the people is the foundation of political authority
  • general will of the people is the highest expression of the common good
  • a viable political system requires social cohesion
  • developed an idea for a social contract

nationalism could be a force for protecting the state against radicals and socialists who were promoting revolution

Giuseppe mazzini

  • nationhood - humans could express themselves only via their nation and that human freedom rested on the creation of owns own state
    • emphasises the importance of nations
    • revolutionary nationalist
      -'though and action' - every thought must be followed with an action (could link to violence)
    • associated with the cause of Italian unification

Charles maurras

  • integral nationalist - intense form of nationalism where individuals are encouraged to submerge themselves into their action
  • rejected civil nationalism
  • he advocated for hierarchal social order as he disliked democracy
  • believed that you needed to fight to preserve a nation
  • verges on ethno nationalism duet to his anti semetic ideas
  • chauvinistic - prejudice against particular groups
  • slightly expansionist nationalism - building up an empire
  • jingoism - belittling another nations history

Marcus garvey
-black nationalism

  • black pride - arifcan people were encouraged to be proud of their peace and to see beauty in their own kind
  • pa africanism - African people in every part of the world were one and that they would never progress if they did not put aside their cultural and ethical differences
  • founded the universal negro improvement association

ethno nationalism

far right form of nationalism

nation and culture is defined in terms of ethnicity

closely linked with xenophobia - anti forreigner

promoted violence because each nation thinks they are superior to others

racist ideologies

BNP, AFD, VOX, French national front