Postcolonial Theory: Maghreb.

Relation with concepts from the authors

Gayatri Chakravotry Spivak: Subaltern Studies

Homi Bhabha: Mimicry & Hibridity

Edward Said: Orientalism

Orientalism has influenced the way in which the Maghreb has been represented in the Western media. Stereotypes associated with the region, such as the oppression of women, violence, and religious fanaticism, are part of the construction of the Orient in the Western mind, and are used to justify military and political intervention in the region.

During the French colonization of the Maghreb, for example, the idea was promoted that the peoples of the Maghreb were uncivilized, uncouth, illiterate, and dirty, thus in need of the "civilization" and modernization that France offered.

Hybridity in the Maghreb manifests itself for example, in the music and dance. We can find elements that combine local tradition with European and African music and dance, resulting in a unique mix of sounds and rhythms that reflect the complexity of influences. cultural in the region. Mimicry in the Maghreb can be seen in the way that the French language, which was the colonial language in the region during the time of French colonization, has been adopted and modified.

In the Maghreb context, examples of both mimicry and hybridity can be found. The adoption of the French language and French culture by the Maghreb elite is an example of mimicry, while the blending of traditional Maghreb music and dance with African and European music and dance is an example of hybridity.


In the context of the Maghreb, critical postcolonial theory and the notion of subalternity help to understand how European colonization in the region had lasting effects on local societies and how these effects have continued to the present day. The exclusion and marginalization of local social groups observed in subalternity are the result of a historical process of colonization and domination that has left deep marks in the region.

Chtatou, M. (2019, March 5). An Overview Of French Colonialism In The Maghreb – Analysis. Eurasia Review.

The Christian Science Monitor. (1993, January 27). MAGHREB COLONIAL HISTORY. The Christian Science Monitor.

In Algeria some were able to more easily blend in to the newly-French culture of Algeria, and gained education in French and European matters. This divided Algeria society between those who identified as Muslim Arabs and those who blended more into French society.

Relationship between the case and the conceptions of




Why does it represent Postcolonial Theory?

The case study highlights how the history of French colonialism in the Maghreb region has shaped the artistic and political geography of these countries in profound ways. Morocco was divided into French and Spanish protectorates in 1912 and became independent in 1956. The conception of Empire is central to understanding this history, as it was the desire to expand French influence but also show the world that they are here to help North Africa form their terrorist governement. The idea of Empire played a central role in shaping both French and local conceptions of power and identity, and that these concepts were closely intertwined with notions of citizenship, belonging, and sovereignty.

It is often said that during the colonial policies and discourses that were created at this time emphasized the importance of civic identity and loyalty to the French Empire, while suppressing local identities as well as any kind of expressions of nationalism.In many sources, we can see that the tension between imperial power and nationalist movements created a complex and dynamic political landscape in the region.

The heritage of colonialism has made and impact on the relationship between Maghreb and France because some Algerians were thankful for French intervention in the country's internal conflicts and for the establishment of a more centralized system of governance, but some are still resentful for the changes that have been made in the country.

In this case study, we can anlyse how the terrain of the Maghreb region, which includes both the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean seacoast, played an important part in the French colonization. The transregional movement of literature in several languages illustrates how geography influences cultural interchange and creation.They sought to expand their management over the region's coffers, including oil painting, gas, and minerals. The terrain of the region made it delicate for original populations to repel colonization, as the French had access to ultramodern military technology and transportation systems that allowed them to navigate the vast desert fields.

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French colonialism has impacted the culture of the Maghreb region, both during and after the period of colonization. For illustration, the French enforced their language, education system, and artistic values on the original populations, which had a profound impact on the way people practiced heir own artistic identity. It also divided the population between the Algerians who identified strongly as Muslim Arabs and those who blended more into French society.

The French reinforced this westernization by building western-style settlements, converting mosques into churches, and teaching French to the children of Algeria. This changed some of the Algerian culture and Islamic heritage, but because the Algerians needed help from them, it was important for them to change the system that was instored in Maghreb.

Although the French occupation of Algeria relied primarily on land confiscation, the colonial period also witnessed a modernization of the agricultural sector and the development and valuation of land areas left unexplored before the conquest. Algeria became the forth world producer of wine in 1889.

Dr. Laachir's case study is an example of postcolonial theory because it examines the ways in which colonialism has shaped cultural production (literature) and political relationships in the Maghreb region, and it highlights the ongoing impact of colonialism in the region and beyond.

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  1. Critique of Western colonialism: It examines the ways Western colonialism shaped cultural production and how it continues. As a key focus of postcolonial theory, it critiques the legacy of Western imperialism and colonialism.
  1. Emphasis on power dynamics: Highlights power dynamics between Maghreb and the West, and how they are shaped by historical colonial structures. Key element of postcolonial theory: emphasizes the importance of power dynamics between colonizers and colonized and traces the kind of responses.
  1. Hybridity and diversity: It recognizes hybridity and diversity of cultural identities in the Maghreb region, and the ways in which these identities have been shaped by colonialism. This is a key element of postcolonial theory, which emphasizes the importance of recognizing diversity of cultural identities in colonized societies.
  1. Key focus on the emphasis of the past and the present days, since it focuses on the literature of the twentieth century and analyzing contemporary multilingual genres.
  1. Key focus of the Non British / American literature becoming relevant and cannon, since it analyzes Moroccan novels written in Arabic, as well as the mimicry of the French and European narrative forms.

Team 12

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Angela Funes Fresán A01026887

Frida Anaí Astorga Ontiveros A01254029

Ana Sanchez Peralta A01760140

David Flores Becerril A01368391

Albane Mojica de Germay A01641419

Ouarda Merrouche (2006). The Long Term Impact of French Settlement on Education in Algeria.
UPPSALA University.

Baherhussein. (2021, December 24). The Colonial and Postcolonial History of Algeria. jesuisbaher.

The Choices Program. (2018, February 8). How did colonialism affect different people in Algeria? - Choices Program. Choices Program.