(7.3) Parliament

Budget in Pt

(2) Ct Provisions

(4) Stages in Enactment

(3) Charged Expenditure

(1) Officially "Annual Financial Statement", dealt u/a 112 prepared by Dept of Eco Affairs;
Term "Budget" not mentioned in Ct

(1) No DFG except Pr recommendation, No money from CFI w/o law
(2) u/a 265 -> can't impose tax w/o law; Pt can reduce/abolish tax but cannot increase
(3) It distinguishes charged expenditure, normal expenditure

Non votable by Pt; Salaries & allowances of <>;
Debt charges on GoI

(1) Presentation - By Finance Min to LS on 1 Feb;
Comprises of Budget speech, AFS, DFG, Appropriation bill, Finance bill, Statements of FRBM Act etc ....

(2) General Discussion in LS;
(3) Scrutiny by 24 Dept Committees for 3/4w

(4) Voting on DFG - in LS
Demands presented ministry-wise, after passing demand become grant

To reduce demand -> 3 motions
(1) Policy Cut Motion -> Disapproval of policy, reduced to 1rs, alternative policy suggest;
(2) Economy Cut Motion -> economy affected by demand, reduced by certain amount;
(3) Token Cut Motion -> It ventilates a specific grievance within responsibility of GoI, reduced by 100rs

Last day on discussion on DFT, Speaker put all (discussed+undiscuused) demands to vote

(5) Passing of Appropriation Bill

(1) Considered Money Bill; To provide for taking out money from CFI
(2) Used for DFG (schemes, Pt discuss and vote) + Charged exp (Pt discuss but can't vote)

(3) Vote on Account -> Ct authorise LS to make grants in advance (for 1/6 of total demands for 2m)
Now not reqd as Budget presented on 1 Feb

(6) Passing of Finance Bill

To give effect to financial proposals of GoI

(5) Other Grants

(1) Supplementary Grant -> if earlier demand insufficient
(2) Additional Grant -> sudden need arise
(3) Excess Grant -> If excess money spent than granted, voted after FY
(4) Vote of Credit -> To meet unexpected demand, blank cheque by LS
(5) Exceptional Grant -> For special purpose and forms no part of current service
(6) Token Grant -> Funds needed for a new demand/service, a DFG for token sum 1rs passed and later funds made available

(6) Funds -> 3 funds mentioned in Ct

(1) CFI (u/a 266)

(1) All receipts added including revenue receipts, loans raised, repayment of loans);
(2) All payments subtracted;
(3) No money deducted w/o law (except charged exp)

(2) Public Account of India (u/a 266)

(1) Includes PF deposits, judicial deposits, saving banks, dept deposits, remittances etc
(2) Operated by executive action
(3) No Pt permission/law reqd (except on creating separate fund for 1st time)

(3) Contingency Fund of India (u/a 267)

(1) At disposal of Pr to meet unforeseen situation before authorized by Pt
(2)Increased from 500Cr to 30,000Cr
(3) Refilled from CFI

(7) Interim Budget

Not defined in Ct ; During election year OR extreme situation;
Budget presented in same manner but w/o unethical populist announcements;
Valid for full FY but new Govt may present fresh budget


(1) Multi-Function Role of Pt

(3) Sovereignty of Pt

(4) National Party Status

(2) Ineffectiveness of Pt control

(5) Remote Voting - RPA amd 2011

(1) Legislative Powers

(1) Exclusive powers on Union List and residuary subjects ; Overriding powers on Concurrent List

(2) Laws on State List under 5 circumstances ->
1=RS passes resolution with special majority;
2=National Emergency;
3=Requested by >1 states;
4=Necessary to to give effects to international commitments;
5=President's Rule

(3) All ordinances approved by Pt within 6m of reassembly
(4) Delegated/Executive/Subordinate Legislation

(2) Executive Powers

(1) Control over executive through QH, ZH, NCM etc;
(2) Supervise executive through committees;
(3) CoM responsible to LS

(3) Financial Powers

(1) Control over executive before/after releasing funds;
(2) Rule of lapse in Budget

(4) Constituent Powers

Pt can amend Ct in 3 ways; Subjected to Judicial Review

(5) Judicial Powers

Impeach Pr/VPr ; Removal recommendation of CJI/SC/HCs judges, CECer, CAG to Pr;
Punish members/outsiders for breach/contempt

(6) Electoral Powers

Election of Pr/VPr ; Make laws related to elections

(7) Other Powers

(1) Approve emergencies ; (2) create/abolish SLCs on SLAs request ;
(3) Can alter boundary/change state names ;
(4) Regulate org and jurisdiction of SC/HC and can establish common HC for >1 state

Not completely sovereign;
Powers limited by Written Ct, Federal System, Judicial Review, FRs

(1) Recognized in >=4 states;
(2) Won >=2% vote from >=3 states;
(3) Polled >=6% in >=4 states in last LS/SLA election and has >=4 MP in last LS
Currently 8, can be removed too

(1) NRI allowed to vote but physically present
(2) Other methods ->
1=Proxy voting by classified service sector (BSF, CRPF etc)
2=Electronic ballet

British - supreme, no judicial review and limitations

(6) - Delimitation Commission

Pt -> Delimitation Act after every Census which establish DC(independent body constituted in 1952, 1963, 1973, 2002 - freeze till 2026 for LS & St Assembly). Appointment by Pr & works with ECI. NES(AP, AS, MN, NG) excluded, no delimitation here since last 51Y.

no modification in decision by Pt/SLA; no court challenge