Back to the Future 1 - 7 May:
Good listening , being in a positive confidence dwelling within wellbeing and able to let my attention rest on what others were saying rather than thoughts in my own head (untethered soul meetings with Alex, Alex, Ant, Richard, Mark etc.) . And also listening to the guidance from posts, such getting grounded by Pam.
Listening to messages from Berger Picasso book - don't get stagnant but make art because I know it is meaningful and valuable to expand joy
Listening to needs of monsters and having dialogue back with them reminding them they come from skewed premise (TD - to be worshipped, Atlas to make everyone happy, VS to avoid boredom)
Victoria and Sam- we all cook, great opportunity for co-creation, all involved like an oiled machine.
Temporary deckings, Warebeth cemetery, MPs, Pier Arts, fertile ground to co-create with parts of myself and nature. Not to do with humans. Connecting to different parts of myself, music, artists, words ('deconstruct')
Sometimes just planting the seeds in the week is enough. E.g. group coaching cohort, great opportunity, but it's OK, in morning pages got a little idea to play with this week. The social lube rather than the social glue.
Quick note - I used social lube ( a little too much!) by contacting al 6 co-partners in my Group coaching cohort - strengthened the ties between us all