106 & Two Wolves - 1-7th May
Consciously Co-creating in a variety of spaces
Pine Parade
Pleasure & Peace
A: draw up maps - Ongoing
continue poetry - shared Laurel Crown at swg
J: do roads
Decide Stronsay (The Folds) & Hoy (Evermore) DONE
cocktail ingredients - Peach liquor & bourbon
edit songs DONE through Beltane dancing!
The Jungle
Beltane: creative activity - dancing around the yonic stone (to Landers test new Wolf theme songs)
Previous week: 24 - 30th April
A: Yoni Zine w/J - stories & activities for Bc/Kt
Acrobats on the beach with DoRoss
Wc: E Gilbert's Lobster, Sea, Eurovision
Group Co journey
J: Listening to inklings of Adam (Hotel, game)
Enjoyed channeling - Co-c w/wisdom around me & Jim Dethner
ESC Insight & Eurovison fun savouring songs & insights
Upcoming Week Aims
A: how to create more consciously in my Group Co cohort
Berlin book & insights - creativity
J: Picasso & author - emerging insights
Considering free Co-C within clear boundaries (work & life)
Both: maximise delights with Vi & Sa
What We Did
Pullan Hill 'Take your lover into the Wilds of Spring' (he with turban, i in tweed)
Meeting the Style 'Sisters' up close
Home: at the table (afternoon); dancing in eve & podcast
Finish Yoni zine - on door DONE
Story of Two Wolves (simple & rich)
Ties in nicely with things we have been learning, layering up:
consciousness To Me-By Me-Through Me (taking responsibility / surrendering)
Where we place our attention. The Monsters The 'Evil' Wolf; Gods 'Good' Wolf - Dark Crystal: do we want to starve them, or integrate them? But not feed them!!
Ego is a good servant, not MAster. The adult is here now to take control.
Acknowledge 'bad' wolf feelings and let pass through - but don't feed them
Feeding = placing attention, exercising, revelling, doom scrolling etc.
Dethner: don't depend happiness on unsustainable things
Two Wolves by Brian T Parks
Back to the Future 1 - 7 May:
Good listening , being in a positive confidence dwelling within wellbeing and able to let my attention rest on what others were saying rather than thoughts in my own head (untethered soul meetings with Alex, Alex, Ant, Richard, Mark etc.) . And also listening to the guidance from posts, such getting grounded by Pam.
Listening to messages from Berger Picasso book - don't get stagnant but make art because I know it is meaningful and valuable to expand joy
Listening to needs of monsters and having dialogue back with them reminding them they come from skewed premise (TD - to be worshipped, Atlas to make everyone happy, VS to avoid boredom)
Victoria and Sam- we all cook, great opportunity for co-creation, all involved like an oiled machine.
Temporary deckings, Warebeth cemetery, MPs, Pier Arts, fertile ground to co-create with parts of myself and nature. Not to do with humans. Connecting to different parts of myself, music, artists, words ('deconstruct')
Sometimes just planting the seeds in the week is enough. E.g. group coaching cohort, great opportunity, but it's OK, in morning pages got a little idea to play with this week. The social lube rather than the social glue.
Quick note - I used social lube ( a little too much!) by contacting al 6 co-partners in my Group coaching cohort - strengthened the ties between us all