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NETHMAN flexability is found to be important there was an experiement with 3 particpanta and 1 confederate on how much compestation someoe should get
the confed always suggested a lower amount and the partipants here more likely to lisgten if they where flaxable
consistance MOSCOVICI lloked into consistancy using 6 female 2 of which where confed they where shows diffrent shade of blue and asked whatcolour it was when the confed consitancly said the wrong answer 9% cofnomed but it was lower when the incorrect answer wasnt constant #
he also found hower support of the participants when they wrote it down instead of say it outload
terrorist show commitment and constustanct. there consistancy is shown through the fact they sacraffice their life for this
MUNGNY felexabilty is important asminority have limited power so have to co operate and be reaonable but not tooflexbble
WOOD mettalysis 97 minority groups findsinig constuancy had higher inf;luence but it is a corolation so no cause and efect
ASCH confomity
ASCH did a study to invistaget how others incorrect answer affect cnfomity
12 critical trials
123 male
did a study where particpants had to state which line macthes the other line of either ab or c
there was only 1 participant ans the rest where confedes withing the line the paricipant as second las
found that 1/4 of particpants never comfomed
1/20 confmed every time
1/3 of the rounds where confnomed to
task difficult this is one of the variations asch did findning that task difficulty result in higher levels of confomity to the group
unamity when 1 confederate said the right answer cofimity = 5.5%
when 1 confed said the right answe and one confed said a differnt wrong answer cority = 9%
group sixe asx fund that the sixe of the group had no different effecy from 3-9 showing differnt results however 1-2 showered lower result then when th group soze was 3 = 30%
PEFFRIN AND SPENCR did repreate of the study and found dofferent results of nearly 0% cofnoimty suggest that the result where a fidnign from that peiod of time in use hstrory with a lack of temporal validity
MORI AND ARIA re did the study on female and they had to where glasses meaning that it was harder to see that the othere where confeditates increasing the validity and found similar results to asch
SCHULTZwent to a hotel and told guests that 75% of people reuse there toels this lead to majorirty of people reusing there towles
NOLAND causual factor peoplethrouhthat there neighbours energy use had no influence on there energy use
when neighbour where able to see each otber enegry use found a major fal in consumption
zimbardo did a study to test what effects the beavur in institutins the disposityional hypothosis or the situational
idenitifcation with social roles
ha 21 student selected from 75 volnterred payes 15 cents a day and chose those with both good physcial and mental health
11 became prioners and where arrested had a uniform id badge and cuffes around the leg with 3 meals a day
10 where guards with reflectibe sunglasses keys and control obver the priner
grauds offered to work for free
prioners where dehumansised
some primers sent hme early for rage crying and anxirtys
study eeded after 6 days
BANUEVZUZNAND MORAHEDI people where told the proceddures of the study and asked to guess the nature of the study most correctkly guessed the aim reducing the validity of the test
BUGOON divient behvaiourof minority mens majority take more notice when they violate social norms leadint to social change
FEIN when peoile wer questioned about people running to be primeinster they watched other people opiton before answering
other opitions played a large rolw in what they said showing hw they loked for other for the corect answer
SHOCK STUDY in tis the pariipant was the teacher there was 2 confederets the leanier and the expermenter.
the participanthad to send a shock up to 450 colts every time thst the learner got it wring
learner = voice recodring
experementer encourge them to contiue
after 350 volt people began o stop
100$=350 voltd
26/40= 450 max volts
location orginal = uni where as moved to a run down offic blocks tjis reduced the conformity = 47.5 % obediene
proximity how close the particpant was played a role when te experiementer was on the phone giving instructings confomity= 20% give 450 volts fell when in the same room ad the learner it fell to 40%when the particpant had to place the learners hand onto the plate 30% obedince
uniform in the original the experemnter wore a lab coat therfore having authority
brikman re did this with a milk man a security guard and a nomal perosn telling people to pick up litter they found the milkman instuctions 14% confmoed for the normla person 19% confmoed and for the security guard =38%