You come out with a camera and fan cards - excited to meet your favorite idols. The two members look at you, and you look back - 'Wow, they're so much prettier in person' You snicker to yourself. You go and approach the idols, but you accidentally trip. 'Uh oh, am I going to fall!?' You think, before you hit the floor - Hyunjin grabs you by your back. You fall into each other's gaze, and he looks away - putting his left hand over his face. Bang Chan laughs, "What was all that about?" Hyunjin scolds him as he giggles away - Hyunjin looks at the fan cards you're holding. "Wow, those are the first few cards we sold - you must be a huge fan of ours if you have those!" Before we talk any more, you decide I should ask them something. Should you ask them for their autographs or go in for a hug?
You decide to ask them for your autograph. "Excuse me, could you sign the picture?" Hyunjin and Bang Chan laugh; Bang Chan even wipes a tear. "Haha, of course - isn't that why you wanted to meet us?" They respond; Hyunjin grabs the photo and signs it with the sharpie you gave him. Bang Chan signs it. Next, you stare at them as they do it - Hyunjin looks at you as I stare at Bang Chan. Once Bang Chan finished signing the paper, you noticed that Hyunjin always looked at you. Your face becomes red as a tomato - and you look away. Do you ask Hyunjin why he keeps looking at you or break the silence and ask about the other members?
You decide to ask Hyunjin why he keeps on staring at you. "Excuse me, Hyunjin - is everything alright? You keep staring at me as if I did something wrong." You ask, worrying if you messed up. He quickly responds, "Uh, I like your hair - adorable!" Your face becomes red once again. 'I can't believe I even caught him staring at me.' You think to yourself. Hyunjin grabs your chin; you try to get him off - but you end up on the floor. He stares at you - you try to avoid his gaze. For the rest of the meet, Hyunjin makes you uncomfortable and you want to cry. Sorry! You choose the wrong path!
You change the topic and ask about the other members. "So, how's Felix doing - I'm also a fan of his." Before Bang Chan can reply, Hyunjin explains how he is doing. "He's doing fine; I'll let him know that you said you're a fan - he gets very excited when someone says that. Bang Chan pushes Hyunjin to the side, "I was going to say that. Oh well - how old are you, ma'am?" You think about speaking before responding. Should you tell him your age or tell him you're not okay with sharing your age?
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"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" You are so excited that you decide to go in for a big hug, and when they see that you're approaching them for a hug, they back up. Their security guards step in front of them. 'Ah, did I make the wrong decision?' You think to yourself. You back up, embarrassed. Your eyes begin to water with tears. Should you stay here and explain why you wanted to hug them or run away?
Embarrassed, you decide to run away. Behind you, you can hear Bang Chan and Hyunjin laughing about you - 'Why did I even run away? They probably think I'm a waste of time.' You run to your front door and slam it as hard as possible. "(Your name)! What have you been doing this entire time? Your finals are soon!" Your mother shouts to you, and you wipe the tear from your cheek - you look in the mirror. 'I can't believe I even got to meet them, period. Ugh, why did I even do that?' Since it is late, you fall asleep - hoping this day was a dream. You have fallen asleep, never waking up. Try another path!
"Oh, I guess I got a bit too excited; it won't happen again!" Your voice trails off behind you - the sun is slowly setting. The colors of dripping pink to orange to yellow are like egg yolk on a sunny day. Before the idols can respond, their gaze gets caught by the beautiful sunset. "Wow, I've never seen such a sunset like this - it's so pretty." Hyunjin expresses as all three of us admire the sunset. Bang Chan turns around and looks into my eyes, "Hey, we forgive you - loosen up a bit!" Hyunjin turns around, as well - he agrees with Bang Chan. 'Phew, I'm glad that I can relax now.'
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