Judaism Topics
Tree of Knowledge (forbidden to consume its fruit)
Adam(First Man)
Eve(first woman)
Garden of Eden (Paradise where Adam and Eve lived)
Expulsion (kicked out of the Garden of Eden)
Covenant (A formal contract God made covenants with men in the bible)
Noah (Built an Ark to survive the grand flood)
Abram(ham)((The Father of Jews))
Sarah( Abram's wife)
Isaac (Second Son born to Sarah)
Hagar(maidservant who concieved Abrams children)
Ishmael( Abram's Son))
The Messiah( A savior who was to free the Jews and bring them to an era of peace)
Temple destruction ( Second Temple in Jerusalem that Romans destroyed)
Job( biblical figure who despite all the suffering remained faithful to God)
Apocalyptic Prophetic Tradition( Included vivid images and descriptions of World ending events)
Early Prophetic Tradition (Included Book of Prophets)
Pharisees (Jewish Sect)