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TB Paru - Coggle Diagram
TB Paru
DD Batuk berdahak
- Asma
- Pneumonia
- Bronkitis akut
- Bronkiektasis
- Post nasal drip
Definisi & Klasifikasi
Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious disease that occurs in humans caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB), which is almost all organs of the body can attacked by it, but most often occurs in the lungs.
Classification based on medical history:
- New cases
- Cases with previous treatment history:
- Relapse cases
- Treatment cases after failure
- Cases after withdrawal
- Cases with other medication history
- Patient moves
- Patients with no known previous medical history
Classification by anatomical location
- Pulmonary TB :
- Extrapulmonary TB:
- Mild extrapulmonary tuberculosis
- Severe extrapulmonary tuberculosis
Etiologi & risk factor
risk factor
- Riwayat imunisasi
- Malnutrisi
- usia
- riwayat kontak
- asap rokok
- faktor lingkungan
- imunisasi BCG
- jenis kelamin
- Status gizi
Tanda gejala TB
- Batuk berdahak
- dahak bercampur darah
- batuk darah
- sesak nafas
- badan lemas
- penurunan nafsu makan
- penurunan BB
- malaise
- demam
- berkeringat malam
pem. penunjang
- darah rutin
- pemeriksaan sputum BTA
- test PAP
- tes mantoux tuberkulin
- teknik polimerase chain reaction
- Mycodot
- foto thoraks
- CT scan
- radiologi tb paru milier
Pemeriksaan Fisik Paru
- Inspeksi
- Palpasi
- Perkusi
- Auskultasi
- Bronkitis akut
- Bronkiektasis
- Kanker paru
- Sarcoidosis
- Abses paru
Tatalaksana TB
- rifampisin
- isoniazid
- pirazinamide
- ethambutol
- streptomisin
Non- farmako
- Isolasi pasien
- ventilasi yang baik
- kebersihan yang baik
- nutrisi yang baik
- istirahat yang cukup
- latihan fisik
- Kerusakan pada otak
- kerusakan fungsi hati
- pleuritis TB
- batuk darah
- pneumotoraks
- kegagalan pernafasan
- gagal jantung
Prognosis dan edukasi
The prognosis of pulmonary TB patients is generally good with effective OAT administration. However, elderly patients, pediatric patients, patients with immunosuppressed conditions, and drug-resistant TB patients tend to have a poorer prognosis.
- Trying to reduce contact with people with active TB
- Always maintain a good standard of living
- Administration of BCG vaccine
Komunikasi Dokter-Pasien
Doctor-patient communication is the relationship that takes place between doctors and their patients during the examination process that occurs in individual practice rooms, polyclinics, hospitals and health centers in order to help solve patient health problems.