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Labelling + Teacher Racism
Interactionists study face-to-face interactions in which labelling occurs
Labelling = attaching a meaning/definition to an individual
Studies show that teachers often label black + Asian pupils as being far from the 'ideal pupil'
E.g. black pupils = disruptive + Asians = passive
Teachers may label ethnic minorities a certain way which causes them to be treated differently + leads to underachievement
Black Pupils + Discipline
Black pupils are viewed by teachers to have discipline problems
Gilborn + Youdell - Concluded that the conflict between white teachers + black pupils stem from racial stereotypes
Found that teachers were quicker to discipline black pupils than others for the same behaviour
Gilborn argues that this is a result of teachers 'radicalised expectations'
Teachers expected black pupils to present discipline problems + misinterpret their behaviour as threatening/challenging authority
Pupils targeted responded negatively to teachers - black pupils felt like teachers picked on them + underestimated their ability
Bourne - high levels of exclusions for black boys
Found schools tend to see black boys as a threat + they are labelled negatively
This then leads to exclusion
Only 1/5 excluded pupils achieve 5 GCSEs
Black pupils are more likely to to suffer from unofficial exclusions + internal exclusion
They are also more likely to be put in pupil referral units which excludes them from access to the mainstream curriculum
Black Pupils + Streaming
Negative stereotypes about black pupils' ability that some teachers hold means they are more likely to be placed in lower sets/streams
Gilborn + Youdell - A-to-C Economy
Teachers focus on those students who they believe are most likely to achieve a grade C at GCSE - a process the authors call 'educational triage'/sorting
Asian Pupils
Teachers assumed Asian pupils would have a poor grasp of English + left them out of class discussions or used simplistic, childish language when speaking to them
Asian pupils also felt isolated when teachers mispronounced their name + teachers saw Asian pupils as a problem they could ignore
Asian girls especially were marginalised
Study of a multi-ethnic primary school shows that Asian pupils can also be the victims of teachers' labelling
She found that despite the school's apparent commitment to equal opportunities, teachers held ethnocentric views - which were British culture + Standard English were superior
Pupil Identities
Teachers often define pupils as having stereotypical ethnic identities
Archer - ethnic minority pupils are likely to be demonised as loud/challenging/excessively sexual with 'unaspirational home cultures' or pathologised
Teachers' dominant way of seeing something defines ethnic minority pupils' identities as lacking the favored identity of the ideal pupil
The dominant way of seeing something constructed 3 different pupil identities
The ideal pupil identity:
A white, m/c, masculinised identity with a normal sexuality + this pupil was seen as achieving in the 'right' way, through natural ability/initiative
The pathologised pupil identity
An Asian, 'deserving poor', feminised identity, asexual or oppressed sexuality + this pupil is seen as a slow-moving conformist and a culture-bound 'over achiever' - a pupil who succeeds through hard work rather than natural ability
The demonised pupil identity:
A black or white, w/c, hyper-sexualised identity + this pupil is seen as unintelligent, peer-led, culturally-deprived under-achiever
Chinese Pupils
Chinese students were seen as having achieved success in the 'wrong way' - through hard working, passive conformism rather than natural individual ability
Chinese pupils can never meet the 'ideal pupil' criteria
Teachers also wrongly stereotyped their Chinese students as m/c
'Over-achievement' can only ever be achieved because 'proper achievement' is natural + possessed by the white, m/c, ideal pupil
Archer argues that even those minority groups who perform successfully can be pathologised (seen as abnormal)
Chinese students = praised + viewed negatively at the same time by their teachers
Teachers saw Chinese students as ' the same passive, quiet and hardworking mass with Chinese girls as educational automatons, who are too quiet, too passive + too repressed'