Jesus Carranza Period 2 Reproductive System
Major functions of the Reproductive system
Anatomy of male reproductive structures
Hormones of the reproductive system
Disorders associated with the reproductive system
Methods and Classification of contraceptives
- Form specialized cells for sexual reproduction call gametes, Sperm – gametes in males, Ova(eggs) – gametes in females
- Bring gametes from male and female together through sexual intercourse (copulation)
- Combine genetic information contained within gametes through fertilization, Zygote is formed when sperm and egg fuse, Zygote is first cell of new individual and all body cells arise from it
- Support development of fetus (gestation) and birth of baby (parturition)
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH): Released from hypothalamus reaches anterior pituitary cells via
hypophyseal portal system
Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH)/Luteinizing hormone (LH): gonadotropins released from anterior pituitary
Testes: sperm-producing male gonads that lie within the scrotum
Scrotum: : Sac of skin and superficial fasci, contains testes
Contain seminiferous tubes, sperm site production
Spermatic cord: encloses nerve fibers, blood vessels, and lymphatics that supply testes
Duct System
epididymis: highly coiled, where sperm mature
Ductus deferens (vas deferens): Passes through inguinal canal to pelvic cavity, Joins duct of seminal vesicle to form ejaculatory duct
Urethra: contains both semen and urine (different times)
Penis: male copulatory organ
External genitalia: scrotum and penis
Seminal glands (seminal vesicles):Produces viscous alkaline seminal fluid, Duct of seminal gland joins ductus deferens to form ejaculatory duct
Prostate: Encircles urethra inferior to bladder, Secretes milky, slightly acid fluid
Bulbo-urethral glands (Cowper’s gland): Produce thick, clear mucus during sexual arousal
Testosterone: synthesized from chlorestal: Prompts spermatogenesis and targets all accessory organs
Anatomy of female reproductive structures
Internal genitalia: located in pelvic cavity
Ovaries: female gonads: Produce female gametes (ova), Secrete female sex hormones, estrogen (estradiol, estrone, estriol), and progesterone
External genitalia: external sex organs
human papillomarvius (HPV)
vaccination can guard against cancer causing strains
caused by genital warts
80% cases of cervical cancer related to HPV
secondary symptoms: pink skin rash, joint pain
bacterial infection transmitted sexually or cogenitally
symptoms: chancre
treatment: penicilin
invades musosa or broken skin
caused by treponema pailidum
symptoms (female): abdominal discomfort, abnormal vaginal discharge/ uterine bleeding most infectious
bacterial infection of mucosa of reproductive/ urinary tracts caused by gonorrhoeae
symptoms (male): urethritis, painful urination, discharge of pus from penis (drip) treatment antibiotics
more common in worgen than men
vellow-green vaginal discharge with strong odor
most common STI
caused my chlamydia trachomatis symptoms. urethritis, abdominal/rectal/testicular pain, painful intercourse
treatment: antibiotics
Genital Herpes
caused by herpes simplex virus
most difficult pathogen to control because it is asymptomatic
treatment: antiviral drugs can reduce duration or intensity of flare ups
suspensory ligament: anchors ovary laterally to pelvic wall
ovaries: paired structures flank the uterus almond shaped
ovarian ligament: anchors ovary medially
ovarian follicles: tiny sac-like structures
Duct System
Vagina, Uterine tubes, Uterus
Mons Pubis, Labia Majora, Labia Minora, Clitoris, Vestibule Bulbs, Vulva Vestibule
Events of the female hormonal cycles
events of uterine (menstrual cycle)
- days 1-5 menstrual phase
- days 6-14 proliferative (preovulatory) phase
- days 15-28 secretory phase (post ovulatory)
events of ovarian cycle
follicular phase: period of vesicular follicle growth
ovulation: period between follicular and luteal phase
luteal phase: period of corpus luteum activity
Coitus Interruptus: withdrawal of penis from vagina before ejaculation; not very effective; some sperm may reach vagina before ejaculation
Rhythm Method: abstinence from sexual intercourse around time of ovulation; difficult to determine time of ovulation; not effective
Mechanical Barriers: prevent sperm from entering vagina during sexual intercourse; examples: male or female condoms, diaphragm, cervical cap
Chemical Barriers: contain spermicides; are more effective when used with a condom; examples: creams, foams, jellies
Combined Hormone Contraceptives: contain estrogen and progestins to prevent pregnancy; disrupt normal hormonal patterns of female cycle, and prevent follicle maturation and ovulation; examples: chemical ring, patch, oral contraceptives
Injectable Contraception: injection of a progesterone derivative prevents follicle maturation and ovulation; works for 3 months
Contraceptive Implants: implantation of a rod containing progestin under the skin in the arm; can prevent follicle maturation and ovulation for 3 years
Intrauterine Devices (IUDs): objects implanted in the uterus are either toxic to sperm and egg cells or prevent implantation of embryo by inhibiting growth of endometrium, thicken cervical mucus
Sterilization: surgical methods of permanently preventing pregnancy; vasectomy in male (removal of a small portion of the vas deferens, preventing sperm from entering semen), tubal ligation in female (cutting of the uterine tubes, preventing sperm from reaching egg)