The Tempest Revision
nature vs nurture
magic and supernatural/illusion
gender roles
the setting
revenge and reconcillation/forgiveness
values of characters
All characters are confined in some way, experience exile and punishment, and all yearn for freedom either from the island or the other characters.
Characters that are largely associated with this theme are Prospero, Ariel and Caliban.
Prospero took over an unhabitated island (apart from Caliban and Ariel)
Modern audience feels sympathethic to Caliban but this is tough to feel as Caliban's urge to rule, and the urge to be ruled contrast each other. The Jameson audience would have understood that the tales are the same as the explorers would have brought back from the 'New World' which echoes the themes of ownership, and shows the realities of Gonzalo's ideas which Sebastian and Antonio bring up.
The views on this theme are contrasting. When left alone, nature can be viewed as 'perfect' and good. Or Nature is bad and therefore needs to be educated and controlled to be good therefore Nurture has an influence.
Miranda and Prospero believe that teachings have changed Caliban but still see him as 'brutish' and a 'monster'. The audience decides to believe depends on whether it views Caliban as inherently brutish, or as made brutish by oppression
Prospero shows love for Miranda, as does Ferdinard. Ferdinand and Miranda's love is innocent, romantic and brings the fathers together. Love is in it's innocent form, despite being manipulated by Prospero.
Characters include Miranda + Ferdinard, Prospero + Miranda, Prospero + Alonso, and argubly Ariel + Prospero - corrupted love.
The island has a heirachy of power, and Prospero stands at the top of this. Prospero has the most power (in contrast to other characters) in his magic, using it for his idea of justice and unfairly, to control others. Due to this power, he believes that everyone should obey him, however, each character at one point disobey him. However, his power has limits - he cannot truly control what people feel, and argubly his power only comes from his magic- at the end he is only a mortal man. Power is usually corrupted in this play, until the end where power is restored to it's natural balance.
The island's heirachy of power is actually not very stable, Caliban swears his allegiance to Stephano, trading one master for another in an attempt to topple the island’s hierarchy altogether. Miranda believes she disobeys her father by pursuing romance with Ferdinand. But her actions are actually in line with her father’s wishes, since Prospero’s harsh treatment of Ferdinand is designed to make Miranda take pity on him and fall in love with him. The situation is again different in Ariel’s case. Ariel has proven himself a faithful servant, yet Prospero considers him disobedient when he asks for his freedom. This shows how power is very complex, but Prospero believes that he is the most powerful.
The Tempest is full of magic and explores how it affects everyone and everything, as everything changes underneath magic's power. The island's magic creates wonder and admiration, but also confuses and disorientates.
Prospero's magicial ability seems to be connected to his books, staff and cloak. Caliban notes that Stephano needs to take his books first, "remember first to possess his books", and his staff and cloak. These act as tools of magic, to give the illusion of power to mere objects. Prospero believes that he uses his magic for good, better than Syrorax, however, there are similarities between how they use their magic powers to put others in their place. Ariel uses his magic to carry out Prospero's orders, and argubly Prospero wouldn't be that powerful without Ariel's magical powers.
The magic echoes the special effects and spectacles of the theatre, as Prospero lies in the 'playwright' or 'director' role. With these illusions, Prospero persuades the characters but also the audience of how his perspective is the right one, and the morals behind his actions resolve themselves with his magical powers. Prospero usually uses magic as a threat, or method of control, which links to his cruel and domineering nature linking to the themes of power and control.
The beginning of the play is Prospero wanting revenge and wanting to teach a lesson to his enemies with his storm, however, revenge melts away like the storm. Prospero does have justification for his revenge, being wronged by his friends and family. However, he chooses forgiveness, if they repent for it (arguing if true reconcillation is achieved). When Alonso, Antonio and Sebastian feel guilty, this is when Prospero decides to forgive them. For most of the play, it's not clear what Prospero wants to do, but he finally decides to forgive, deciding this is morally better than revenge. Shakespeare conveys that happiness is gained, not by revenge, but by forgiveness.
Miranda's hopes for the future act as the main source of hope. Aside from Gonzalo, Miranda most clearly symbolises optimism about the possibility of new beginnings and a better future: what she herself calls a “brave new world". These individuals, amongst the corruption, hold their hope.
The main characters for this theme is Prospero's forgiveness of Antonio, Alonso, Sebastian, Ariel, and even Caliban. Caliban threats revenge, and seeks it throughout the play, by cursing Prospero.
Is true reconcillation achieved? Prospero feels free to forgive those who sinned against him only after he has emerged triumphant and has seen the men, now mournful and "penitent", pay for their transgressions - AMANDA MABILLARD. The exchange between Prospero and Alonso seems superficial - Alonso initial reaction when meeting Prospero is not of remorse or regret, but more relief, in the safe return of his son. Prospero doesn't truly forgive Antonio, calling him "wicked sir", he does go through forgiveness however there is no sincerity in it, Antonio also doesn't respond to it, and doesn't acknlowledge Prospero. Prospero understands Caliban's behaviour is like a child's, however doesn't offer forgiveness but more of a pardon with a command at the end, "go, sirrah, to my cell... to have my pardon".
Hope from the would-be colonists to take over the island, there is also hope to regain/take power e.g. Prospero hopes to meet his enemies and get his dukedom back, Trinculo wanting power of the island.
Hope for freedom for Ariel keeps him working for Prospero, Prospero offers this hope to Ariel but when this is under threat the language changes to be more defiant. There is also hope from Caliban to be free of Prospero's control; this reality of hope comes from the oppressed on the island, contrasting the hope of the future which Miranda and Ferdinand represent.
The couple of Miranda and Ferdinand provide hope amid this world of betrayal, abuse of power and vengeance. Miranda and Ferdinand find each other and their marriage becomes a symbol of reconciliation and promise for the future.
Another source of hope in The Tempest that could potentially be considered the primary source of hope is the retribution that is achieved; all the characters apologise for their actions apart from Sebastien and Antonio, who he maintains power over via blackmail
A question
B question
10 mins annotating
30 minutes writing
Intro - overview of the passage highlighting themes, concerns, impact on audience, key dramatic techniques, specific language techniques (including patterns). Comment on position of extract within the structure of the play e.g. rising tension, climax, comic relief.
Explore dramatic core of extract
CONFLICT (physical, physchological, verbal)
Characters - their characterisation, development and relationships. Focus on the key characters - how they are speaking if it contrasts e.g. verse or prose.
Explore themes, and how the theme fits into the extract.
THROUGHOUT ALL THIS - explore all this with language analysis, and Shakespeare's use of dramatic techniques.
10 mins planning
30 mins writing
Plan - one line of argument directly answering the question, no need for a balanced argument and any counter-arguments should be at the beginning.
Intro - brief argument, address the question and outline the key points.
Present 3-5 key points of interpretation - with DI, and build up the argument. Link the sections together.
Conclusion - sum up briefly, try to finish with a final quote.
DI - should include critical voices, productions/films, other readings, which should be engaged with and developed by making a point with it.
Colonial reading
Feminist reading
critic quotes
2022 Globe production
2017 RSC production
Shipwrecked characters imitating today's political powers as satire which debases their ideas by making them comical, and looked over
Caliban covered by rope highlighting theme of entrapment
Prospero presented with empathy when speaking to family and other characters
Fiery stage when betrayal happens (Sebastian and Alonso try to kill Antonio and Gonzalo)
Prospero wears jacket that nobels wear when seeing the others to cover up his rags showing how desperate he is to be proven as duke, and his want for power
At the beginning the working men are in sea uniforms, nobels are in full ceremonial dress however they have a lack of power
The masque is immersive, digital, loud, colourful and terrifying at the end to show the full extent of power and magic that the spirits and Prospero have
Sebastian in lots of gold, whereas Gonzalo is in grey and darker colours
Focuses on themes of power and status
emphasises that Miranda hasn't seen other men, when Ferdinand states "she's mine", it's a joke when Miranda is touching and looking at the other men
Caliban represents the image of the 'savage' cannibal
Decolonisation movements in the 1970s questions Prospero's ownership of the island and the modern audience rethinks the role of Caliban as a subject or emodiment of an oppressed group.
Shakespeare's Globe 2022 production of The Tempest, directed by Sean Holmes, casted Caliban as an Irish man to emphasise the colonial background of our nation.
Focuses on feminism, the dynamics between men and women and the representation of Miranda, as the sole female character.
Irish man as Caliban to make the modern and colonial links to the play
Theme of power
"All power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely" - Lord Acton
"The Tempest is about the problem of power" - Ross McDonald
"Prospero is the major source of power in the play" - Andrew Green
"No audience has ever liked Prospero" - Harold Bloom
"every character is driven by an internal cry for freedom" - Taylor Sharpe
"the storm contains no hint of the marvelous or extraordinary" - Barton
Prospero is the "controller, the manipulator" - Robert Wilson
"Miranda has acted as Prospero's preserver" - Sandra Clark
"Ariel is the swiftness of thought personified, the emodiment of imaginery power" - Lindley
Ariel is "an elemental spirit robbed of freedom and tortured by the loss" - Coleridge
"Caliban is demoralised, detribalised and dispossessed" - James Miller
"The action of the play is Prospero's discovery of an ethic of forgiveness" - Doran
"Caliban is 'the other' and Prospero has power over him through language" - Berry
"Shakespeare presents a eurocentric view of colonisation in The Tempest" - Rex Gibson
Caliban is a "noble being" - Coleridge
"Repentance in The Tempest is a largely unachieved goal" - Orgel
"Both fathers have virtuous children who will redeem them... through marriage" - Simpson
"Shakespeare dramatises the handover of power and responsibility from one generation to the next" - Allan
In The Tempest "the normal social responses have been dislocated" - Barton
"True reconcillation is not achieved as Prospero feels free to forgive those who sinned against him only after he has emerged triumphant and has seen the men, now mournful and "penitent", pay for their transgressions" - Amanda Mabillard
Key quotes
"we are such stuff as dreams are made on, out little life is rounded off with a sleep"
"my library was dukedom large enough"
"rapt in secret studies"
"Slave! Caliban!"
"was the duke of MIlan and Prince of Power"
"I ratify this my rich gift"
"take my daughter"
"your service you did worthy perform"
"if thou murmust any more, I will rend an oak and peg thee"
"my charms... my spirits obey"
"My charm I'll break"
"thou wast that did preserve me"
"I have done nothing but in care of thee"
"it goes on, as my soul prompts it"
"our revels are now ended"
"my charm I'll break"
"rarer action is in virtue than vengence"
"I have bedimmed the noontide sun"
"ye elves of hills, brooks, standing lakes and groves"
"I'll break my staff... drown my book"
"I am your wife if you will marry me"
"brave new world"
"how beautous mankind is"
"Abhorred slave... being capable of all ill"
"nor have I seen more that I may call men than you"
"I might call him a thing divine"
"admired Miranda"
"I'll make you queen of Naples"
"all the charms of Sycorax - toads, beetles, bats - light on you"
"this island's mine by my mother Sycrox"
"I'll kiss thy foot, I'll swear myself thy subject"
"first possess his books; for without them he's but a sot, as I am"
"batter his skull"
"freedom, high day, freedom"
"I showed thee all qualities of the isle"
"I had people the isle else with little Calibans"
"do not tormet me, prithee"
"do hiss me into madness"
"Do you love me master?" "No"
"I have dispersed them about the isle"
"remember I have done thee a worthy service"
"all hail, great master, grave sir, hail!"
"my potent master"
"if you beheld them your affections would become tender... I would if I were human"
"to all points of your command"
"the commonwealth I would excute all things"
"no sovereignity"
"all men idle, and women too"
"a pox o' your throat, you bawling, blashemous, uncharitable dog"
"yet he would be king"
"your commenwealth forgets the former"
"my son is lost"
"draw together"
"look how well my garmets sit on me"
"my strong imagination sees a crown a dropping on thy head"
"we will inherit here"
"I will be king and queen"
"monster of the isle"
"what have we here, a man or a fish?"
"there (England) would this monster make a man"
B Question revision
associated with freedom
meant for different purposes
passes messages from characters to the audience/other characters
intensifies drama and introduces mood
supporting themes and character development progressed within plot of the play
shows the diversity of Shakespeare's work
In Masque (4.1): mimics the spectacular entertainments that were put on at James 1st court. Ceres and Juno that Prospero conjures, as entertainment for Miranda and Ferdinand. Brings that magic onto stage: the magical pictures are painted by the words.
Used almost 3 times more than any other play - intergrated into the play itself, carrying the dramatic weight: without music the play wouldn't be desirable or comprehensible. The music influences the characters as well as the audience. ⚠
Opening (1.1): 'Tempest' sounds, "a tempteous noise of thunder and lightning" - storm is shown as heard not seen. Typically, Shakespeare plays start with an entry of a character and dialogue, but this shows how sound is central to creating atmosphere and passing this dramatic message on. Sets the tone for the rest of the play - destruction and severe atmosphere makes the audience understand Prospero's controlling nature through manipulation. These onimous sounds let the audience associate the brutal nature and absolute power with Prospero's control over people.
During Renaissance period, music was associated with internal feelings - people showed music to express their inner feelings and communicate this to other people -> audience would have noted the music more then and appreciated the meanings.
Ferdinand's grief of his father is highlighted by music showing this theme to the audience.
Inner feelings - low notes in the music, showing human misery and sadness. -> groaning Prospero, bereveaved Alonso, enslaved Ferdinand and Caliban. Ariel's music -> transforms Alonso's grief into a wonderful "heavy drowsiness" which the characters "sink" into.
Act 1, Scene 2 - Ariel is invisible to everyone except Prospero, singing his song informing Ferdinand that his father did not survive - "suffering the sea change" "full fathom five"
Act 1, Scene 3 - Ariel makes Gonzalo and Alonso fall asleep, giving Antonio and Sebastian to carry out their treacherous plotting. Then sings a song to Gonzalo to make him wake up, relaying a direct message of the treachery.
Used to control behaviours
E.g. Ariel uses a song to make Caliban, Stephano and Trinculo scared. Caliban knows the island's music - "full of noises", "sounds and sweet airs that give delight and hurt not"
Caliban - music lulls him to sleep, making a calm and peaceful mood. Music evokes vivid lovely dreams of the island, which in turn makes Caliban want to kill Prospero so he can enjoy the music for freedom.
Music drives the themes - the play wouldn't exist without the "strange" airs, the thunder or the singing of Ariel. All these sounds are directed to a singlar objective of Prospero which is to bring suffering to recover his dukedom and make his enemies recognise their past errors.
The songs and music hypnotise characters, make them do what Prospero bids, underlining the major role of Prospero and his control in the island.
4 songs all sang by Ariel.
Understanding Shakespeare and how he used music to construct themes and characters experiences - Ariel and Ferdinand.
For people in the Renaissance, music was often associated with enchantment or magic – a slight sense of other worlds – so it’s one way Shakespeare could make Prospero’s sorcery seem as realistic as possible.
"Ariel is Shakespeare's most musical character" - unknown critic
Shakespeare uses his songs to drive the play's plot, as they make characters act in certain ways and Ariel as the vessel for this.
"come unto these yellow sands... bow wow wow" (Act 1, Scene 2) In this scene, Ariel appears as a water-nymph, invisible to everyone except for his master, Prospero. He uses this song to calm the stormy seas which has shipwrecked Ferdinand and his father’s ship, to calm Ferdinand, and to lead him further into the island. The “burthen” is believed to be a chorus of spirits who answer Ariel, and the animal noises they make disorientate Ferdinand, putting him at the mercy of Prospero.
"full fathom five thy father lies" (Act 1, Scene 2) Ariel continues to lead Ferdinand with his singing, convincing him that his father has drowned in the storm. Ferdinand cannot tell where the ownerless voice is coming from, and comments that it seems to come from above him.
"beware: awake awake!" (Act 2, Scene 2) Here, Ariel awakens Gonzalo from an enchanted sleep with this song, and saves him from being murdered by Sebastian. Again, Gonzalo is confused by the spirit’s voice and believes he heard only a “humming”.
"where the bee sucks... merrily, merrily" (Act 5, Scene 1)
Ariel spends the whole play waiting to be freed from the service of his master, Prospero. In the final act of the play, Prospero promises that he will soon be free, and Ariel sings as he helps to dress the enchanter. The song here does not work as a spell on any character, but seems to be spontaneous, and anticipates Ariel’s freedom to go where he pleases as an “airy spirit” once he is released.
As Ariel is so often accompanied by music as he travels around the island doing Prospero’s bidding, it is clear that the noises, sounds, and sweet airs are his doing. He controls the musical landscape of Shakespeare’s most musical play, and this makes him Shakespeare’s most musical character.
The music serve to awaken desires in the characters to assert themselves and bend them to do as Prospero wishes - Di Salvo
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written in verse
symbols of fertility and abundance - blessing the marriage
beautfiful colour and sensory imagery
luxury - Elizabethans would have understood symbols and objects
traditional, celebrated wedding, masque performance for the audience - usually rich and wealthy people