Classroom Arrangement Styles


students are ablo to work independently

is suited for giving exams

is not suited for group work

is not student centered, leads boredom

teacher easily supervise students

The Horseshoe Arrangement

arrange in u-shape

space can be used for activites but causes copy their work

Small Groups

teacher can move freely

students can discuss project plans

teacher faciliate group learning

allows for operative learning

developing team work skills

get loud and all students don't contibute equally

students can share materials and help each other

open space for presenters to take center stage

suited for discussions

The Round Table

icrease face-to-face interaction

all students feel like they are a part of the group

it is limited discussions activities

best for creating inclusivity among students

shy students feel exposed


great for political debates

creates a large space in the middle od the classroom

it can be loud

the teacher's desk is in the corner

students can bounce ideas off each other


the famous think-pair-shore some schools

excellent for peer tutoring

student's desk are arranged in groups of two,teacher movement is netihher free nor restricted

good for lab students