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Italy before 1815, Case for achievement, Impact of French Revolution on…
Italy before 1815
Political situation:
- Three republics --> Genoa, Venice and luck
- Piedmont and Papal States were an absolute monarchy
- Austria ruling lombardy directly --> major Austrian influence
Economic situation
- Little trade between regions
- Piedmont and lombardo introduced modern farming techniques
- No cash economy in rural areas
Varied in languages, traditions, and levels of economic development
Case for achievement
Civil code of 1865
- All citizens equal before the law
- Nobility privileges ended
- Freedom of private property
Resented Catholic Church but was against Mazzini's ideals
- Saw building railways as essential to progress
- June 1848 Cavour appointed in Piedmont assembly
-1852 takes over prime minister
Significance of reforms
- Working constitutional state
- Military development
- Modernization in rejection to clerics and more political freedom
- Admired by France and Britain
Italy 1860s
Problem of the south
- Italy was heavily in debt (Forced into taking the debts of the states)
- War debt
- Limited railways in south
- Government raised tax in salt and tobacco
- Mules were taxed while horses of the rich werent
Response of taxation
- Emigration to south and North America
- Shouts of "Long Live The Pope)
- Population of Italians in 1876 was of 400 thousand--> Deprives italy from workers and taxpayers
- 70% illiteracy in south
Expansion of Italy
- Rome and venice under foreign control
- Reincorporation of Rome as crucial
- 1862 garibaldi in Sicily
- Garibaldi revolt triggers French troops to retreat from rome
- Italy signs in 1866 with Prussia to attack Austria and get venetia
Austro-Prussian war
- Prussia wins
- Italy loses 700 men in one poorly planned battle
- Austrai ceded venetia to Napoleon III who gave it to italy
- Rome remained under French control
Revolutions 1820
Naples uprising
- Carbonari mos famous org
- 1817 uprising against the pope
- Armed uprising in 1820
- 1820 king of Naples agrees for a constitution
- Prevent totalitarianism
Revolution of Sicily
- Seek of a new constitution
- Low support in sicily therefore king of Naples crushed the uprising
Piedmont revolt
- Against Victor Emmanuel
- Seek for independence of Genoa
- Discontent from army officers
- Victor Emmanuel abdicates --> Puts in control Carlos Alberto
- Carlo Alberto under pressure releases a new constitution based on the Spanish constitution
Increase in number of secret societies
- Young Italy 1831 --> No specific goal --> Investigated and Mazzini forced for exile
Nationalism In italy by 1848
- Idea of Risorgimiento --> Italy came into being not because of war but because of diplomacy and Cavour
Considerable growth in literature in 1815 --> Not fully censored
- main writers from Piedmont
- Azeglio met with Carlo Alberto to discuss Conservative revolution
- Little impact tin population as a whole
1848 Revolutions
- Peasants had little interest in nationalism
- Italy's rulers supported by austria
- Secret societies not organised effectively
- Only educated middle classes interested
Reforming states --> Carlo Alberto introduces liberal press laws that reduced censorship
1847 Alberto signs custom union with Papal States to abolish taxes in trade
1848 demonstrations force the King of Naples to make a constitution in Sicily
Peasant discontent:
- Fall in agricultural prices since 1815
- Rural wages fall and introduces famine and starvation
- 1848 march food revolts in Lombardy
- They did not seek unification but their revolts undermined authority of Italian rulers
Discontent in the middle classes
- Economic and social development --> 1840s railways linking Turin, Genoa, Milan
- Led to middle class to a desire for self rule
- Revolt in sicily to demand constitution to Ferdinand II
- Led to movements for constitutional rules in the rest of italy
- Unrest spread to Austria and Metternich forced to resign
- Austrian army forced to resign from Milan
- Pope Pius released a declaration against change in 19 of April --> Catholic masses would stand by this
- Division between sicily and mainland brand back royalty in may 15 --> End of revolutions in south of italy
- July 1848 Piedmont army defeated by Austrian army in custom and Carlo Alberto signed a ceasefire with Austria
- Mazzini pushes for popular democratic government and is granted in Tuscany to resist Austrian rule
- Pope fled rome and a roman republic was declared
- February 1849 Carlo Alberto breaks truce and attacks Austria
Now there's less chance for unification
- Rome and Florence are too extreme -->Mazzini's ideology
- Divisons in Piedmont government --> Wether to support Italian unity
- Naples under monarchy
- Carlo Alberto abdicates in 1849
- Austrian army defeats Piedmont in 1849 --> Austria occupies Venice and Lombardy, and Grand duke of Tuscany restored
- French catholics anxious to resore the pope in Rome
Reasons for failure
- Strenght of Austrian military Radetzky
- Austrian army had the "quadrilateral"
- Popes exile reduced catholic support for unification
- Peasants didnt seek unification
- Mazzini not supported by non extremists, Rome and Venice remained centers of resistance isolated.
Foreign influences
War of 1859
Battle of Magenta poor defence of Austria with 60 thousand soldiers --> Forces Austrian to retreat from Milan
Battle of solferino --> Napoleon loses 18000 men --> Napoleon was concerned about international reactions
Influence of Napoleon III
- Crucial in gaining power of Europe
- BY 1858 Napoleon III discussed with Piedmont a possible alliance against Austria
- Plombieres meeting of Cavour with Napoleon
Pact of plombieres 1858
- Austrian power in Lombardy to end
- Italy would eb a federation under the pope ruled by France
- Ferdinand of Naples replaced by a French ruler
- French would gain savoy and nice
- War in austria would start
Other powers concerned for the revival of French expansionism in Italy
- Prussia offreed military support to Austria, Russia dissapproved and Britain as well
- Declaration of war to austria would mean loss of international support
Franz Joseph ultimatum to Piedmont to to reduce troops in 1859 gave Piedmont the reason they needed to go to war
- Cavour was now under threat
- Now seen as a victim seen internationally as liberal and preogressive again
- Prevents russia and Prussia to protect Austria
Wat of 1859
- Expansion of Piedmont in Lombardy
- New kingdom of italy
March 1860
- Lombardy provided rich agricultural lands and possibility to extend the railway
- Piedmont seen as a hero in Italy increases patriotism
- Austrai accepts Piedmont expansion
- Britain happy as order had been achieved in Europe
Crimean war 1853
- Raised Piedmont prestige
- King of London visit Piedmont 1855
- Britain and France concerned on rule fo kin of Naples --> Naples was close with Russia
Revolt in Sicily April 1860
- Garibaldi leaded nationalist revolt
- In order to take Neapolitan rule out
- Garibaldi resented because Cavour gave his home town nice to france
- Garibaldi gathers "The thousand" in nice and sailed to sicily
- Defeats royal army 15 may 1860
- Volunteers joined the cause
- Cavour sends his minister to urge annexation of sicily by Piedmont and Garibaldi declined
- Garibaldi plan to cross into Naples
Invasion of Naples
- British wanted to end Naples kingdom and prevent French intervention it supported anonymously the Garibaldi movement
- Garibaldi captured Naples in 7th September 1860
- Mazzini followers ready for an attack in French defended Rome
- to prevent attack from radicals in Rome Cavour attacked Papal States
- Piedmont desire to control the reovlution
- Victor Emanuel II proposes a unified italy and Garibaldi meets with him in October 1860
- Garibaldi's forces in control of Piedmont and Garibaldi exiled to caprera
- End of Ferdinand II rule
New Kingdom
- Papal States support unity
- 1861 Victor Emmanuel becomes king of italy
- Rome remained out of the new italy
Cavour refuses to put red shirts in high military posts
- Intervention from Garibaldi
- Garibaldi dies 1861
Met Mazzini at Marseille --> Influenced by ideals of young italy
- Participates in seaboard raid of Genoa
- Leaves Europe for South America in 1836 where he won reputation as a republican soldiers
- Abandoned Mazzini ideals in 1855 and moved to Piedmont
- 1859 leads paramilitary group called chasseur de alpes
- Colourful career gives him popularity amongst italy
Garibaldi's reputation
- His followers weren't united
- They were poorly trained
- Attack was well publicised and people liked garibaldis life
- National society supported Garibaldi
- King of Naples wasnt against him