Special Education Flowchart by Keiron Roberts

Teacher concerned

Disruptive behavior

Constantly late or incomplete work

Low social engagement

Struggle to follow classroom agreements

Initial interventions

Move the student from distractions

Discuss with student directly

Scaffolding information for the student

Adding small visual or audio aids

Background information

Home life

Older or younger siblings

Engaged or disengaged parents

Communicate with parents

Family situation

Have they noticed any concerning behavior or traits

Any history of special educational needs

Data collection and observations

Email, phone call, or in person

Meet with councillors, administration, and learning support

Explain the initial interventions already used

Seek advice on next steps

Explore historical similar cases

Implement differentiated instructions and support

Facilitate and implement the identified support for the student

Discuss the concerns associated with student

Record concerning observations

Collect data to use to decide what support is needed

Present data and observation results

Continuously assess and evaluate

Assess the students ability to participate and learn

Adapt and review various methods to assist the differentiated instruction or needs

Call on resources and peers to help identify other suggestions if there is issues implementing

Meet with councillors, administration, and learning support to re-assess the progress

Continuous communication with parents

Discuss with parents the support going forward

Decrease or increase the stages set out in the plan

Passed academic results