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Blood - Coggle Diagram
Stem cells
they can self-renew, differentiate into range of lineages and perform slow replication
totipotent can differentiate into all cells, pluri can differentiate into the 3 germ layers (but not extra embryonic tissues), and multi can differentiate to all cell types in one particular lineage
they can divide into 2 daughter cells (symmetric cell division) and also divide wherre one remains a stem cells and other differentiates
they have no nucleus, th ebenefit of no nucleues is more likely to fit through narrow spaces which could otherwise damage it rather than pack more in and the methylene blue stains a network of strands in cytoplasm (RNA)
orthochromatic erythoblast shrink and the nucleus goes to the cell membraen and is then ejected and taken up by the macrophage
released in response to decrease in oxygen, interleukin proteins and CSF-E maturation is stimulated by B12 and folic acid; haemoglobin production by Fe, Cu, Zn, Co, vitamin C
34kD glycoprotein, 165 amino acids long, acts as a hormone
binds hypoxia-inducible factor 2, so it detects this factor which regulates breakdown of hypoxia inducible factor and can result in congenital polycythaemia
EPO binds to dimerised erythropoietin receptor and induces binding of cytosolic STAT5 protein to JAK2 (STAT5 becomes phosphorylated and homodimerises)
phosphorylated STAT5 homodimer translocates into nucleus and after binding to DNA it activates transcription of genes for erythropoiesis
pressure reservoir
in systole a greater volume of blood flows into arteries from heart than leaves(because of resistance) so teh elastic expadns to store this excess blood so there is pressure energy in stretched walls
Thick smooth muscle to control degree of constriction with little elastic connective tissue; also has sympathetic innervation, chemical sensitivity and circulating hormones
major resistance
converts pulsatile systolic-to-diastolic pressure swings in arteries into non-fluctuating pressure in capillaries
if blood pressure was not reduced for capillaries, tehy would be damaged by it
3um diameter, thin walled and extensive network
only 1 cell thick and maximum area, no carrier mediated transport (apart from blood brain barrier) so only diffusion
Slow velocity
flwo rate is identical through all levels of circulatoy system and equal to cardiac output but branching of capillaries changes cross sectional aria so resistnace changes so actual velocity also changes
velocity varies throughout vascular tree and is inversely proportional to total cross sectional area of all vessels at a given level
it is much slower than arterioles adn venules and is because it needs to maximise time available for gas exchange
hydrostatic pressure drops throughout the capillary so contenets can be forced out when hydrostatic pressure is greater tehan osmotic pressure. Protein controls hydrostatic pressure and osmotic pressure is constant
exchange occurs by diffusion, bulk flow and transcytosis; they branch extensively to bring blood with ing the reach of every essential cell
Earliest precursor
IL-3, Epo and GM-CSF are important in commitment to CFU-Meg
Thrombopoietin produced by kidney and liver is important in stimulation of megakaryocyte differentiation and proliferation
Main processes
Megakartocytic cells undergo endomitosis (nuclei undergo multiple mitotic divisions, but not cytoplasmic division)
formation of demarcation membrane system which produces a large SA of membrane which is needed for platelet shedding
each megakaryocyte produces 1000-3000 platelets per lifetime which survive up to 12 days in circulation
Pressure gradient
blood pressure is the force exerted by blood against a vessel wall and depends on its volume and compliance
pressure controls distribution of blood to organs and arterioles change diameter which controls flow into tissues
resistance is directly proportional to blood viscosity and vessel length and inversely proportional to radius
total peripheral resistacne is the combined resistance of all organs and blood vessels adn arterioles adn small arteries make up 60% of it
Starling's Force is when fluid flows across capillaries which creates pressure that pushes contents into the tissue
bulk flow
it is the difference in hydrostatic and colloid osmotic pressures between plasma and interstitial fluid
Many pressures like capillary blood pressure, plasma colloid osmotic pressure, interstitial fluid hydrostatic pressure, interstitial fluid colloid osmotic pressure
it determines whether contents are pulled or pushed, so at one point htere will be a point of no net movement
Definitive wave
in second trimester, hematopoietic stem cells migrate via liver and spleen to seed these tissues
bone marrow is major site of blood cell production by 20 weeks production and increases in third trimester
red marrow only found in torso and skull, the rest is yellow bone marrow
the spleen and and liver are also capable of producing blood cells and are the main sites of extramedulllary haemopoiesis
haematopoietic stem cells occupy a well protected niche, since bone marrow is a high calorie source
bone provides shelter from harmful irradiation , protection from UV light is an evolutionarily conserved feature of haematopoietic niche
studies have shown that most fish kidney cells that make stem cells have a layer above them of melanocytes for protection
Kapp et al (2018)
melanocytes protect haemopoietic stem and progenitor cells in zebrafish larvae from DNA damage by UV
Conservation of soluble fibrinogen to insuluble fibrin, strengthens initial haemostatic plug
Plug formation
platelts adhere to collagen, but adhesion requires vWf and factor VIII which act as a bridge between platelet and membrane
there is a release of platelets factors after contraction which further exposes basal membrane and collagen
receptors for ADP, collagen and thrombin increase on membrane; ADP and thromboxane A2 acts as platelet chemoattractants
endothelial cells release tissue factor which binds factor VIIa, which converts factor X into Xa, andVon Willebrand factor binds to Gp1B platelet receptor which helps collagen attachment
fibrinogen in plasma binds to activated integrin receptors to bridge platelets, and thrombin acts on fibrinogen to cleave fibrinopeptides adn form fibrin monomer which aggregates to form the clot (Factor XIII crosslinks monomers)
phospholipid turned into arachidonic acif by phospholipase; then into endoperoxides (PGG2 and PGH2) by cyclo-oxygenase
small membrane bound packets of granular cytoplasm (clotting proteins and cytokines) with no nucleus
they contain mitochondria adn SER and are produced by pinching off and shredding of megakarocytes (polyploidy cells)
Megakaryocytes are derived from a multipotent progenitor in bone marrow which becomes lineage restricted to megakarocyte production
They have an invaginate membrane system, and many receptors like GP2b-CP3a, GP1b and alpha2beta1 integrin
coagulation factor receptors, like coagulation factor I is fibrinogen and V, VIII, X, XI, XII, XIII enhance coagulation
the alpha granule
proteins with haemostatic function like fibrinogen, thrombospondin, and plasminogen
growth factors like PDGF, TGF alpha and beta
the granulomere is the central portion of platelet (containing granules and lysosomes) and hyalomere is the peripheral microtubules and microfilaments
Red blood cell
the cell forms spectrin tetramers which are linked to a complex of actin, tropomyosin and protein 4.1
contain haemoglobin, binds oxygen in haem group
Old people
they are fragile and more likely to rupture; they are engulfed by scavenging macrophages spleen-liver-lymph nodes and bone marrow
the ineterndothelial slit is a tiny hole, and only healthy rbcs can move through it but old abnormal cells cannot and are engulfed by macrophage
a senescent is taken up by a phagocyte and broken down into globin, heme and iron
so hepatocytes turn bilirubin and glucoronic acid with of UDP-glucoronyl transferase into bilirubin diglucoronide (conjugated bilirubin)
Haemoglobin defects
Sickle cell
due to mutation in haemoglobin chain beta-2, point mutation at amino acid 6 (glutamic to valine)
this changes negatively charged amino acid to a hydrophobic, changing the shape which means they are taken out by the spleen
the abnormal shapes are detected by the spleen and removes them, the lack of rbcs can lead to skeletal deformities
have a single, multilobed nucleus
make up 50-80% of circulating leukocytes and circulate for about 8 hours, form first line of defence
contain primary (azurophilic) granules which contain elastase defensins and myeloperoxidases, and smaller secondary granules which contain lysozyme, lactoferin, gelatinase adn other proteases
bind to antibody coated parasites, degranulate and dissolve the cell surface membrane
granules contain
major basic protein binds and disrupts membrane of parasites and causes basophils to release histamine by Ca2+ dependent mechanism
they are similar to mast cells in connective tissues since they express IgE receptors but differ in expression of c-kit receptors and CD49b
basophilia is an increase in basophils and causes acute hypersensitivity reactions, viral infections and chronic inflammatory conditions
new monocytes circulate in blood for a few hours before migrating to tissue and turning into macrophages
can be T, B or natural killer
small lymphocyte
nucleus is densely stained with round or pointer shape and occupies majority of cellso cytoplasm is thin basophilic rim
Large lymphocyte
have large slightly indented nucleus surrounded by pale cytoplasm, sometimes with primary granules
plasma contains albumin, fibrinogen, immunoglobulins, lipisd, hormones, vitamins, and salts